US and Canadian sheep know that Big Brother loves them

© 2022 Peter Free


23 February 2022



What can we infer from . . .


. . . Canadian Parliament's approval of Prime Minister Trudeau's self-delegated power to seize Canadians' money — absent any judicially assessed proof (at all) of the seized person's alleged criminal behavior?


And from the United States, not a peep of disapproval emerged from the Powers that Be — regarding this obviously tyrannical bent in our northern neighbor.


Nor, concerningly, any detectible squawking from the American public.



This . . .


. . . active and tacit approval of Absolute Tyranny should tell us something about the fundamental nature of both countries' populations.


We are mostly all, evidently, happily enslaved minions.


In our wooly minds, what's a pasture without an impenetrable fence.



What would it take to get our tiny brains' attention?


I suspect that even lightning bolts up the ass (to be crudely accurate) would not rouse us.


'Comatose' is the applicable word. At least, where celebrity, sports and cultural war(s) propaganda are not the issues.


Stupidity does not come more addictively packaged than this.



If you are (or know) one of these grass-eating somnolents . . .


Consider attorney Glenn Greenwald's dissection of what Government's power to seize our financial assets, on the basis of purely alleged, unadjudicated criminality — means. My additions inside brackets:



Banks . . . have started to freeze the bank accounts of anyone the [Canadian] Government believes is just a link to the [Freedom Convoy 2022] protesters.


They [the Government] are saying — we know [that] if we get to suffocate people's money, they can't survive. They can't protest.


Think about the power that that gives the Government. To just do whatever they want.


Whenever you're protesting the Government, they say, if you keep protesting us, we're going to freeze your bank account.


You're not going to be able to buy gas or food — or pay or bills or your rent.


[Then, quoting a CBC News report from 17 February 2022:]



[Deputy Prime Minister] Freeland, who is also the finance minister, said the RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] and other law enforcement agencies have been gathering intelligence on convoy protesters and their supporters and sharing that information with financial institutions to restrict access to cash and crypto currency.


Citing terrorist financing laws, the government has forced crowdfunding websites and payment providers to register with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, the government's financial intelligence unit.


In a final warning to the assembled protesters Freedland said those who have their big rigs on Ottawa's streets will see their insurance cancelled and their corporate accounts suspended — a move that could make it difficult for these drivers to ever work again.


[Source: CBC, Banks have started to freeze accounts linked to the protests, Freeland says, Yahoo!News (17 February 2022)]


[Greenwald continuing:]


This is the power they [the Canadian Government] have seized as punishment — not for murdering someone, trafficking children or trafficking drugs, or raping someone, or committing any crimes — but for protesting.


We're going to freeze your bank accounts and take steps to make sure that you can never work again.


We're going to destroy your lives, if you continue to protest us.


© 2022 Glenn Greenwald, Banishment from the Financial System: The War on Dissent, YouTube (21 February 2022) (beginning at 31:06)



Ignore these Stalinist Canadian developments at your peril


The reason that the American government has not objected to Prime Minister Trudeau's autocratic seizure of power in Canada is that US leadership agrees with it.


As Greenwald points out, this method of unconstitutionally exercised tyrannical control began with American Government's own continuing attack on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.


Ours is not a free republican democracy. It is a Rabble-repressing oligarchy.


Nothing would please American oligarchs more than to have a thoroughly subjugated mass of prey critters (meaning us) to manipulate, parasitize and plunder at will.



The moral? — Public enslavement is American Corporatism's most desired goal


By the way, have you considered what would have happened if 2020's Black Lives Matter's riots had been met with Canadian-style bank account seizures?


Curious how all this more recent 'stuff' is (apparently safely) directed at mainly white working class folks, isn't it?


In that regard (if you are happily tan, red or beautifully darker in skin color) evaluate what might happen to you, under future conditions in which the preservation of Liberty is ignored as a fundamental constraint on Governmental power.



Was not the achievement of Liberty and Equality (for all) the whole point to 2020's BLM protests?



Yet now — if Canada (and America's approval of Canada) be the guides — we are going to abandon both Liberty and Equality, while supposedly progressing toward an oligarchically forced peace, harmony and serfdom.


Have we lost our minds?


Or is this just Humanity's predominantly sheepy, basically silly and morally unworthy nature at work?


Y'all better decide soon.


Lost minds can be retrieved. Redemption for fundamentally sheepy natures, however, is not in the Redemption Calculus.