The fortune teller's tea leaves are shouting — but Silly Nancy's still in the bathroom primping
© 2019 Peter Free
22 May 2019
My title today is a non-transparent metaphor
Yet, the picture it paints fits the occasion.
President Trump is back in charge.
A (plus or minus 4 percent accuracy) poll published on 14 May 2019 — reportedly indicates that:
Trump's job approval tops 50%;
A majority of Millennials approve of Trump;
Nearly half of Generation Z voters approve of Trump;
Trump is winning back Hispanic, Independent, college educated and urban voters
© 2019 Zogby Analytics, Trump's job approval tops 50%, (14 May 2019)
Which pretty much verifies . . .
. . . my earlier-stated pessimism about the Democratic Party's trashed credibility. What with their constant stream of lies about Trump's made-up deficiencies — Putin's Puppet and all that — and their equally long-running omission regarding his real ones.
The Phony Party of Opposition can proudly wear its "we ain't shit" stripes today.
Meanwhile — two things
Silly Nancy (Pelosi) is still in the bathroom, primping for her night on Oligarchy Town.
Foreseeably there to be ensconced on Happy Mister Plutocrat's money-spewing arm.
And 23 Democratic egomaniacs are slavering after the Phony Party of Opposition's presidential nomination.
Hoping (oh so very-very much!) to unseat the gaining-in-popularity — Republican Party of the Anti-Christ — president.
The moral? — Beelzebub is giggling in the background
Under circumstances like these, it is too bad that Dante's 9 circles of Hell are just a reality-defying imagining.