There are more voices for impeachment now — would the process finally make sense?
© 2019 Peter Free
29 April 2019
On the one hand, it is unlikely that the Senate would convict the President
On the other, maybe that's not the point.
Ostensibly, for the national good, our Legislative Branch needs to get off its monarchy-supporting knees.
Yet, look who's talking
Impeachment is soiled by the Phony Opposition's two years of grossly bad faith.
Russiagate was a lie from start to finish. And Obstructiongate seems to continue the trend, although with arguably a little more moral merit.
Nevertheless, it is challenging to see how the Deep State and Democratic Party fantasy-weavers — who promoted the "Trump's a Putin puppet" nonsense — can flip their lost credibility into respect-worthy persuasiveness.
Do we really want to reward tale-spinning connivers with a second try at end-running 2016's presidential election?
Those who disagree (with me) . . .
. . . point out that Trump's horribleness and criminality may be reason enough to give the "kick the president out" process a try. See here, here and here. National pride, constitutional principle and all that.
One argument seems to be that some folks among the Legislative Branch could regain their Constitutional necessaryness by, this time around, sticking to facts and legitimate investigations.
This could be one of those situations, where nudging Destiny has value. Masks come off. What to do (or not do) becomes clearer.
So, I can see why some capable people think that impeachment is still a legitimate goal. Even in view of the diarrhea-like lack of fair-dealing of most of the Democrats who would have to bring it.
The moral? — On balance, lost credibility remains wandering
With regard to impeachment's alleged virtue, the Deep State and Democrats did themselves in with two years of wailing about fake Russian wolves in ghostly woods.
Where (once) going after the President might have been a valid option, now it will probably be (predominantly) seen as another nasty-minded ploy.
Difficult to dance on the feet you stupidly shot yourself in.