US ending federal support for COVID testing sites — and other ridiculousness-demonstrating tidbits

© 2020 Peter Free


24 June 2020



Does chopping off (or out) our own gonads feel good?


I've run out of patience with my United States.


Over decades, we have become an imbecilic country filled with combative airheads and just-plain nasties.


It is as if we have embraced the national task of Magnifying Bottomless Stupidity:



The Trump administration is ending funding and support for local COVID-19 testing sites around the country this month, as cases and hospitalizations are skyrocketing in many states.


The federal government will stop providing money and support for 13 sites across five states which were originally set up in the first months of the pandemic to speed up testing at the local level.


Texas will be particularly hard hit by the decision. The federal government gives much-needed testing kits and laboratory access to seven testing sites around Texas. But in the state, which is seeing new peaks in cases, people still face long lines for testing that continues to fail to meet overwhelming demand.


© 2020 Josh Kovensky, Feds About To Bail On Supporting COVID Testing Sites In Texas And Other States, TalkingPointsMemo (23 June 2020)



This is because President Toddling Donny Trump thinks that we are doing too much testing.


Apparently, being tops in the world with COVID-infected folks is not his idea of a November 2020 campaign-winning strategy.


Who knew?



Very roughly, meanwhile


We've got herds of George Floyd murder protesters out and about raising hell for a good cause. But not having (or displaying) even one iota of a political reform plan.


Except maybe, proposing getting rid of police. A concept that is just as dumb as having police continue to act like butchers.


The only thing that changes according to the protesters' No Cops Plan is who's doing the slaughtering.


A questionable advance in my view.


And in Congress, America's two supreme Party of Fake Opposition pantywaists — Pelosi and Schumerknelt with African scarves around their fool necks.


Now, that's an effective motivator for political change.


I can imagine how Chuck 'n Nancy chatted happily — like middle-schoolers sitting on the bed in Nancy's pinkly painted teener room — about how to come up with the most inanely irrelevant symbolic gesture possible, under the circumstances.



During all this foofarah


The Federal Reserve has been printing and doling money to the richest people in America.


While the rest of us hit unemployment levels equivalent to those experienced during the Great Depression.


Somehow, American leadership does not think this combination — of (a) billionaire-handouts and (b) aggressively furthering economic serfdom for everyone else — is a bad thing.


And for their part, American corporations have been 'helpfully' busying themselves by taking black-slave-reminding faces off boxes and bottles of things to eat.


Is this progress in an overall scheme for justice?



As a practical economic matter, I suspect that — when most of us have no money, like now and a few months from now — we will be looking for sprinkles of remaining Cream of Wheat and Aunt Jemima pancake and syrup products.


And those crumbs will be contained inside the old stereotyped containers. The ones still lurking at the hind-wall of our bedraggled, mostly empty cupboards.



Can't buy no new-branded stuff with no money, can we?



This is all very fashionable, isn't it?


The White Leftist Elite is jumping up and down with great passion. Not so symbolically axing anyone from influence, who does not agree with them.


Free speech is so long gone, that it's not even a memory.


Today, everyone white is a racist. Even pale Alps people like me, who weren't even born in this once slave-mashing nation.


To emphasize these currently popular philosophical points, crowds of animated folk are toppling American History's statues.


Even General and President George Washington, succumbed. That bastard!



I guess founding a country — and keeping it alive — does not qualify one for remembrance, when one's era-typical personal values of that time do not emulate those current today.



Fashionableness has its clout.



Amid this great tide of . . .


. . . (deserved) Black Lives Matter sensitivity-boosting — America's native people have been, as usual, entirely ignored.


I guess having genocided them (for the most part) and continuing to kill their descendants, across the Tribes' vast land prisons, is not enough to gain Proud Red Folk any status at all.


Morally curious oversight, that one.



Completely disregarded, also, is the American penchant for killing all types of people for profit


Hundreds of thousands of innocent foreigners in recent wars.


And tens of thousands (including Vietnam) of our own troops, in the process.


Not a peep from anyone 'Woke' about that.



Not to speak of . . .


. . . ignoring the Greed Lust that fuels all things American.


A country where property, possessions and accumulation mean way more than souls do.


A humane value system, this one.


Jesus would be pleased.



The moral? — Ain't nothin' gonna change, when we keep ignoring Wealth Lust


Greed is the worst deadly sin. Its effects go far beyond the others.


Rampant capitalism, genocide, slavery and imperialistic militarism are all consequences of soul-killing avarice.


Face up to this defining national trait, and maybe the United States would make something Not Ridiculous out of itself.


Until then, don't hold your breath. It will be just a string of changing and enthusiastically paraded fashions, swooping through flocks of mind-depleted and often viciously inclined sheep.


"America is not a serious country," a respect-worthy German once said.


A pity.


And why (by the way) — given all the purported 'religion' around these American parts of the world — did it take a German to notice?


I conclude that Toddling Donny symbolizes the United States pretty well.


Maybe we should put his face on Mount Rushmore and the flag.


And someday, someone could wreck both of those.


For fashion's sake, you know.



"Fashion's sake" because I'm pretty darn sure — given the reverentially ignorant and shortcircuiting nature of the allegedly 'exceptional' nation that will be doing the erasing — this will not be for any well thought out peace and justice-encouraging reason.


After all, we murdered Martin and Malcolm because they pointed to these prickly subjects.


And then we intentionally obliterated their pain-inducing references to Truth from our collective memory.


Convenient. Painless. Typical.



I mention these phenomena because one cannot remove one's head from one's ass, without first recognizing where (and how deeply) it is stuck.