Milley, McKenzie and Austin — blame Biden for the Afghanistan withdrawal screwup — while, at the same time, refusing to tell Senators how this happened

© 2021 Peter Free


29 September 2021



Only one person has been locked up . . .


. . . over the Afghanistan airport withdrawal debacle.


And that's the one guy — USMC Lt Colonel Stuart Scheller — who courageously asked that the Accountability Guillotine be wheeled in.



In culturally relevant contrast — Four Star fat cats skated again


The Four Stars, who (one might surmise) designed aspects of the Kabul Airport Debacle — which killed 13 of our own troops, as well as 7 Afghani children and 3 other innocents during its aftermath — so as to shame and force the President into reversing his withdrawal course.


And now, these self-serving Gravitas-Wielders are very successfully running for cover.


Yesterday, the three most prominent among them — Generals Milley (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs) and McKenzie (Central Command) — as well as Defense Secretary Austin — all told the Senate Armed Services Committee that they could (and would) not tell that body what they had told the President.





Forbes Breaking News, 'Why Haven't You Resigned?': Tom Cotton Slams Mark Milley To His Face Over Afghanistan, YouTube (28 September 2021)



Their basic testimony being that — here paraphrased:



We cannot and will not tell you what we told the President.


That's confidential, you know.


Nevertheless, rest assured, Senators that our shared opinions were — which we either told the President, or did not tell him — that something bad would happen — if he persisted in his withdrawal plan, without first giving us sufficient troop strength.


So, you see, it is (and was) all Dementia Joe's fault.


And we were powerless — powerless! we tell you — to protect our troops against the price of Commander Joe's incomprehensible stupidity.



Evidently, the part of these Eminences' presumed and confidential advice . . .


. . . about the necessity of evacuating Americans before all the troops were withdrawn, never came up.


I wonder whose fault that might have been?



Do watch . . .


. . . the above-linked, very short clip of their disingenuous testimony.



In a genuinely 'righteous' country . . .


. . . this Trio would have been immediately carted out of military authority for arguably displaying cowardly and deceitful behavior unbecoming a current (or past) General Officer.


Milley, for example, ended his statement to Senator Cotton's question — as to why Milley had not resigned in protest of Biden's purported rotten thinking  — with a pompously fatuous (and contextually irrelevant) declaration about Milley's advisor's duty to obey civilian leadership.


That eloquent nonsense arriving right after Milley had done absolutely everything in his power to throw his Commander in Chief under the bus.



The moral? — Scum-suckers rise


Meanwhile, the genuinely honorable and courageous USMC Lt Colonel Stuart Scheller rots in the brig.


While no one, anywhere, holds anyone (also anywhere) — accountable for having actually harmed our troops and the nation.


Do you (still) wonder why the United States is destined to perish beneath the Cosmic Latrine's waves of forgetfulness?


George Washington would be appalled.