Americans finally turned Russia into a self-recognized adversary — can war be far behind?

© 2021 Peter Free


14 April 2021



Stupidity, thy name is 'Amuhrika'


We have spoken before about US leadership's insanity in driving the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China to ally themselves in self-defense against us.


And today, not content with that historically long-winded departure from common strategic sense, the Biden Administration is actively warmongering against both.


The result is not likely to be good for the United States.



Referring to the US plan to circulate American destroyers in the Black Sea . . .


Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said (yesterday):



There is absolutely nothing for American ships to be doing near our shores, this is purely a provocative action. Provocative in the direct sense of the word: they are testing our strength, playing on our nerves. They will not succeed[.]


The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage[.]


© 2021 Andrew Osborn and Alexander Marrow, Russia calls U.S. an adversary, warns its warships to avoid Crimea, Reuters (13 April 2021)



If you have been following . . .


. . . the tone of Russian pronouncements for some years, you will immediately notice how definitively they have changed from soliciting diplomatic interaction with the United States to exhibiting arguably deserved defiance.





The United States has been overplaying its hand for some time. We are about to run into a Russian wall. They are warning us about its proximity.


Keep in mind that, unlike the United States, the Russians generally do not engage in inflated rhetorical posturing.


Also take into account that — again unlike the United States — Russia has an intense familiarity with existential war. Get into an armed conflict with Russians, and we Americans are probably going to be surprised at the difference in quality and commitment between the two sides. This difference, historically speaking, does not project in our favor.


If an armed conflict does take place, China will exploit it to the PRC's advantage.


This is what I meant by American strategic stupidity. A sensible strategist does not strengthen foreseeable opposition by forcing its alleged adversaries into self-defensive alliances.



The moral? — Thanks to US leadership's (seemingly perpetual) lack of sound mind . . .


. . .  the international tone has dangerously changed.


Strategically speaking, the United States should throttle down its war-inviting actions. That is, if we want to get off our geopolitically inept course, while still retaining some face.


No one in a 'right' American mind wants to fight Russia, or China, anywhere near their borders. Why the United States insists on creating the potential for doing both is beyond even Plutocratic Avarice's ability to explain.


I conclude that the United States is on a nihilistically self-destructive course.


This is how empires typically end. Must be something in imperial water. Or perhaps, in Fat Cat Leadership's addicted penchant for hedonistic exploitation and self-aggrandizing corruption.