American COVID-19 — our demonstration of raging brainlessness continues

© 2020 Peter Free


06 May 2020



Yesterday, I spoke of cultural metaphors


Today, here is another one.



Y'all have heard . . .


. . . that Toddling Donny plans to dismantle his COVID-19 Task Force. With the pandemic still in full bloom — and likely to continue so — for the foreseeable future.


Evidently, LardHead Supremo thinks that returning to work is going to solve all our problems.  From his narcissistic perspective, we will eagerly re-elect his Bumbling Bone-Headedness back into the Presidency.


Meanwhile, around the nation, many states and communities are returning to a semblance of pre-pandemic 'normal'. But without implementing virus-interdiction (or virus testing) plans of any substantive and science-based kind.





We can infer that these 'authorities' think that the Bat Virus will lie reasonably quiescent — and not do the virtually certain sickening of another wave of hapless folk — as we return to cruising around, without any care in world.


Epidemiologically, I am having difficulty seeing this absence of planning favorably working out.



Let's review recent history


First, the US gets months of COVID warning from the same China that it is bashing today.


Anybody (not stupid), seeing what was happening in the People's Republic in January would have known the same epidemic would head our way.


The US, however, did absolutely nothing to prepare. A more stunning failure of our trillions-of-dollars national security apparatus can hardly be imagined.


When the virus did arrive, probably no later than December, it spread unseen across much of the United States.


We were caught without protective gear and no plans. And with virtually all the necessary medical and national security manufacturing long-ago distance-sourced to China and India.


Substituting pomp for substance, DumpsterMan Trump summoned his Task Force into being.


But the supposed Force did virtually nothing useful during its tenure. Except perhaps, showcase the American president's mildly astonishing lack of smarts.



And now


Despite promises of more medical personal protective equipment — as well as SARS-CoV-2 RNA and COVID antibody tests — the United States is still running around with neither — and with its pants (unbelievably) still tangled around its ankles.


We continue to lack necessary volumes of reliable RNA and antibody tests. And we have very few COVID contact tracing personnel. There remains little Reality-based hope for acquiring suitably enough more of either any time soon.


Nevertheless, everyone wants to get back to normal. And the Task Force is (as of this writing) to be shit-canned.


All this occurs, still without knowing much of anything about the virus, due to a lack of scientifically serious investigation of any kind, anywhere.



We can conclude (from all this) that


Brainlessness has written itself large upon the United States' much-self-lauded forehead:



Our thoughtlessly deep and wide — and surprisingly unreviewed — lock-down approach trashed the American economy.


And now — with that dubious goal accomplished — we have decided to undo whatever 'flattening the patient curve' we accomplished by having done it.



It does not get more culturally perverse than this.



It is as if . . .


We are all playing in a sandbox populated predominantly with impulsively ignorant two-year olds.


Evidence-seeking intelligence is not reflected in the United States' COVID response at any level.


SARS-CoV-2 came to a Land of Dopes.



Contrast much of developed Asia


What distinguishes South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore from the United States is their willingness to apply reasoned medical knowledge to their COVID approaches.


The typically 'Asian' emphasis on community does not hurt, either.


These nations' success in dealing with SARS-CoV-2 — compared to our abject failure — is a sign that Humanity's torch has passed — probably for Foreseeable Ever — to arguably more competent cultures.



The moral? — Let's combine our two 'Amerikuh' metaphors


On the one hand, the United States has done everything that it can to fall vacuum-skulled victim to a deadly pandemic.


On the other, it is rewarding its Public with a presidential election puppet show that pits:



a Reprehensibly Inept and Morally Repulsive Moron


against an


equally Revolting Man with Warmonger's Dementia,


who is (to top the image off) ludicrously shouting from his basement.



If you see culture-sustaining hope in these self-created circumstances, you must have been born with heavenly stars up your bottom end.