Will Nancy Pelosi corral mighty Fat Man Little Dick?

© 2019 Peter Free


17 January 2019



Please, please, please . . .


Someone in Congress is finally (and perhaps effectively) standing up to our gambolingly nasty President.


Admittedly, I am not especially a Nancy Pelosi fan, given her Deep State and Plutocracy affiliations.


Nevertheless, it is nice to see someone with a combination of spine and political ability go after our constitution-flouting Commander in Chief.



Fat Man Little Dick may finally have met the Caped Avenger


Politico assessed the situation this way:



[P]roposing Trump reschedule the annual State of the Union address until the government shutdown is over, as she did Wednesday, Pelosi has pulled her most aggressive gambit yet.


“Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th,” Pelosi wrote, with mild-mannered language that belied the explosive maneuver.


It was a daring move, one that appeared to catch the White House off guard.


While it could backfire on Pelosi by making some Republican Trump skeptics more sympathetic to the president, it also showed exactly how Pelosi operates.


She’s tough and wily, with a ruthless streak that Democrats who have crossed her readily acknowledge. She’s not afraid of Trump, and she’s capable of surprising moves that keep opponents off balance.


“She’s satin and steel. He’s just untethered,” said Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) . . . .


"She’s just a badass," added Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.). "There is some truth when she says, ‘I’m a grandmother, I know a temper tantrum when I see it.’"


© 2019 John Bresnahan, Heather Caygle and Rachel Bade, ‘She’s satin and steel’: Pelosi wages war on Trump, Politico (16 January 2019)



It would be nice . . .


. . . to see someone in Congress willing to claw back the Constitutional power that it has so eagerly been surrendering for decades.



The moral? — In countering the Speaker's ploy . . .


. . . President Trump may have do more than name-call.


Grandma Elephant, matriarchal leader of part of the tribe, has begun spanking mean Mendacity Bull.