Why did the Lamestream bury General Mark Milley's (Constitution-reminding) "Message to the Joint Force"?

© 2020 Peter Free


05 June 2020



Repression of Truth in the United States


American media have repressed, or grossly underreported, one of American History's most significant and document-producing developments.


This one occurs, during the pending domestic policy split between high-ranking US military leaders and their grandstanding Commander in Chief, President Donald Trump.





I wrote about the Lafayette Square and St. John's Episcopal Church predecessor events to today's topic, here.


At that time, President Trump — and for all practical purposes, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper — threatened to assign (in defiance of the Constitution) active duty military troops to counter what they called unlawful George Floyd-related protests and looting behavior on American ground.


You may also recall, in that spate of conspiring illegalities, Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the equally unlawful clearing of reportedly peaceful protesters from the President's path to St. John's Church.



Recall further that


US Army General Mark A. Milley is currently Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was inadvertently, he said afterward, caught up in the President's Lafayette Square Bible-waving photo stunt.


Apparently smarting from the President's misuse of his visibly impressive uniformed presence — during both those Constitution-thwacking events — the Chairman Milley afterward distributed a memorandum — addressed to all members of the American military — that reminds them of their oaths to uphold the United States Constitution.



General Milley's memorandum said . . .


. . . in its entirety:



Subject: Message to the Joint Force


Every member of the U.S. military swears and oath to support and defend the Constitution and the values embedded within it. This document is founded on the essential principle that all men and women are born free and equal, and should be treated with respect and dignity. It also gives Americans the right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. We in uniform — all branches, all components, and all ranks — remain committed to our national values and principles embedded in the Constitution.


During this current [— George Floyd murder protest —] crisis, the National Guard is operating under the authority of state governors to protect lives and property, preserve peace, and ensure public safety.


As members of the Joint Force — comprised of all races, colors, and creeds — you embody the ideals of our Constitution. Please remind all our troops and leaders that we will uphold the values of our nation, and operate consistent with national laws and our own high standards of conduct at all times.


[Handwritten, beside Milley's signature, comes the following:]


We all committed our lives to the idea that is America — We will stay true to that oath and the American people.


© 2020 General Mark A. Milley, US Army, Message to the Joint Force, www.jcs.mil (PDF) (02 June 2020)



Were media fools too stupid to recognize the historic importance of this message?


General Milley's memorandum constitutes an institutionally significant warning to our tyrannically inclined President.


General Milley is, we can reasonably infer, preparing American troops to defy Constitutionally unlawful orders.


Those, we can hypothesize — based on current events and the President's own 01 June 2020 words — may direct military commanders to use active duty military troops against American citizens on our own soil.



The moral? — Do not expect American media to alert you to core-important developments


The US military seems to be the last American institution still interested in protecting the Constitution's Liberty-protecting principles — in at least a few of their aspects.