Was Iran's Ukrainian airline shootdown created by American — or Israeli — electronic deception?
© 2020 Peter Free
16 January 2020
Might this make y'all uncomfortable?
Former US intelligence operative Philip Giraldi keeps watchful eyes on misguided American and Israeli machinations that run counter to America's true national interests.
Of the Soleimani assassination and the subsequent Iranian shootdown of a Ukrainian passenger plane, he wrote that:
[E]lectronic jamming coming from an unknown source meant that the [Iranian] air defense system was placed on manual operation, relying on human intervention to launch.
The shutdown of the [Ukrainian airplane's] transponder, which would have automatically signaled to the operator and Tor electronics that the plane was civilian, instead automatically indicated that it was hostile.
The operator, having been particularly briefed on the possibility of incoming American cruise missiles, then fired.
The United States Navy and Air Force reportedly have developed technologies “that can fool enemy radar systems with false and deceptively moving targets."
The same technology can . . . be used to alter or even mask the transponder on a civilian airliner in such a fashion as to send false information about identity and location.
Israel presumably has the same ability.
[P]hotos and video footage . . . appeared in the New York Times and elsewhere showing the Iranian missile launch, the impact with the plane and the remains after the crash, to include the missile remains.
They appeared on January 9th, in an Instagram account called 'Rich Kids of Tehran'.
[Joe] Quinn [at Sott.net] asks how the Rich Kids happened to be in “a low-income housing estate on the city's outskirts [near the airport] at 6 a.m. on the morning of January 8th with cameras pointed at the right part of the sky in time to capture a missile hitting a Ukrainian passenger plane…?”
Put together the Rich Kids and the possibility of electronic warfare and it all suggests a premeditated and carefully planned event of which the Soleimani assassination was only a part.
© 2020 Philip Giraldi, Who Targeted Ukraine Airlines Flight 752? Iran Shot It Down but There May Be More to the Story, American Herald Tribune (15 January 2020) (excerpts)
Giraldi's suspicion seems reasonably acquired
Being American, I would like to doubt that even our scurrilously incompetent group of generals would stoop so low as to shoot down a civilian passenger plane and then self-justify the murders as being "collateral damage".
But consider Israel's self-interest in making Iran look bad.
Historically, Israel has voluminously demonstrated its talent for convoluted, murderous scheming. This is (not always unreasonably) justified as being necessary to the survival of the Chosen People. Presumably, God approves.
Nor would I put it past (our morally unattractive) American leadership to know and encourage what the Israelis might have had in mind.
Take direct action ourselves? Perhaps not.
But the proverbial Long and Supporting Pole will frequently do.
The moral? — Look at who has been honest about the sad (and completely avoidable) event
The Iranian government.
Its air defense command reasonably quickly admitted to shooting down the passenger airplane, thereby executing everyone on board.
When has an American or Israeli command done anything similarly integrity-laden, without long and determined "here's the proof" prompting?
And remember that all this started with an American-initiated — incontrovertibly illegal, immoral and strategically unnecessary — murder of Iran's arguably top general.
We wonder why "they" hate us.