War (2012-2015)

© 2016 Peter Free



The United States Will Resume Buying Russian Rocket Engines — so as to Launch American Military Satellites — How Stupid Is that for Our National Security? (17 December 2015)



Médecins Sans Frontières Petitioned the White House — Regarding the American Attack on its Kunduz Hospital — a Comment about the Failure of International Law (11 December 2015)



Impenetrable Cynicism or Just Simple Stupidity from the Obama Administration? — A “specialized expeditionary targeting force” Is Going to Turn the Battle with ISIS around — Implies Secretary of Defense Ash Carter (02 December 2015)



The United States Says that a String of Errors — Explains Its Doctors without Borders Hospital Bombing at Kunduz in October (29 November 2015)



President Obama’s Arrogance toward the Russian Federation — Is Likely to Force an Unnecessary Military Confrontation — You Have to Wonder whether the Man Possesses a Shred of Common Sense (26 November 2015)



Rick Atkinson, The Day of the Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy 1943-1944 (2007) and The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945 (2013) — a Combined Book Review (24 November 2015)



Senator Ted Cruz Immediately Jumped on the Crusades War Wagon — after the 13 November 2015 Paris Terror Attacks — Indicating How Unfit He Is for any Job that Requires a Combination of Effective Strategic Sense and Emotional Balance (14 November 2015)



Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial — Cimetière Américain de Meuse-Argonne — a Visit on Veterans and Armistice Day 2015 (12 November 2015)



Fanaticism in US Intelligence Gathering Undermines Civilian Decency — Is Wrecking Trust to Save it a Good Idea? (05 November 2015)



If We Want Just One Way to Symbolize the Obama Administration’s Legacy — Its Steel-Headed Stalling — regarding the Kunduz Doctors without Borders Hospital Bombing — Is Just about Perfect (04 November 2015)



Sending Attack Helicopters to Iraq and Special Ops Troops to Syria? (28 October 2015)



It Looks as if the Obama Administration Is Going to Skate on its Doctors without Borders Hospital Bombing — Arguably Courtesy of Our American Media’s Willingness to Enable War Criminality (19 October 2015)



Does the Pressure of Political Campaigning Justify Foolishly Timed Statements? — Like Hillary Clinton’s Suggestion that We Establish a Syrian “No Fly” Zone with the Russians already in the Air There (16 October 2015)



Rick Atkinson, An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa 1942-1943 (2002) — Book Review (13 October 2015)


A Mistake Was Made — in Blowing Up Doctors without Borders — General John Campbell Reportedly Said — Evidently Implying that Mistaken Collateral Damage Cannot Be a War Crime — and Inadvertently Demonstrating the Near Impossibility of Exercising Effective Accountability in War (07 October 2015)



After the United States Apparently Blew Up 22 People in a Hospital — Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Implied that — Collateral Damage Is too Difficult to Track until We Forget about It (05 October 2015)



Andrew Feinstein, The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade (2011) — Book Review (27 September 2015)



Nothing to Show for the $500 Million Spent on Training Supposedly Moderate Syrian Anti-Assad Rebels — Yet This Profoundly Stupid Idea Apparently Continues on (17 September 2015)



Self-Contradictory Neo-Conservative Brainlessness — Luke Coffey’s Recent Slam against President Obama’s Handling of the Syrian Civil War (16 September 2015)



Witnessing History’s Momentum — An Anecdote about Seeing Institutional Inertia Create the Future(24 August 2015)



Mikhail Gorbachev Agrees that Nukes “Gotta” Go — and More Provocatively — that US Militarism Is the Biggest Obstacle to Achieving that Desirable Step (07 August 2015)



Little Boy Blew Up Hiroshima 70 Years ago — and Most People Agree that No One Should Use Nukes again — Yet, We Keep Cultivating the Soils that Spawn the same Levels of Hatred and Inhumanity (06 August 2015)



Unbelievably Stupid American Policy Makers Are at It again — This Time Selling Anti-ISIS Kurds Out(30 July 2015)


Andrew Bacevich’s Essay — “Washington in Wonderland” — Synopsizes Our Policy Madness in Iraq — but His Diagnosis May Mask the True Psychic Culprits — Profit and Insider Advancement (19 June 2015)



Robert Mueller, Fields of War: Fifty Key Battlefields in France and Belgium (2009) — a Mini Book Review (18 Jun 2015)



One Sign of Stupidity Is the Inability to Learn No Matter How Graphic the Lesson — A Comment about William Astore’s Excellent Summation of American Militarism’s Predicament (15 June 2015)



When the Goal Is War Profits — No Amount of Deadly Silliness Appears to Be too Much — Repeating the Tiresomely Futile Training Mission in Iraq (11 June 2015)



Today Is the 70th Anniversary of the End of the European Component of World War II — My Comment on the Contrast between Repentant Germany and Morally Recalcitrant Japan — and the Implied Parable for the United States (08 May 2015)



Did We Did Drone Murder You by Mistake? — Oops — Says the Commander-in-Chief (24 April 2015)



Doug Bandow Posed the Core Question about Our American Brand of Warmongering (21 April 2015)



Is this Thoughtful Leadership? — The US Air Force Position on A-10s and F-35s (20 April 2015)



Reportedly, even US Central Command Thinks that Aspects of American Foreign Policy Are Self-Destructively Dumb (18 April 2015)


The Twisted Stupidity of American Foreign and Military Policy — Is Seen in Iraq and Yemen (27 March 2015)



The United States Appears to Be Starting Dangerous Conflagrations wherever It Can — Does this Make Strategic Sense? (09 March 2015)



By Selling Armed Drones to Allies — The United States Is again Doing What It Can to Create Deadly Tumult wherever It Goes (18 February 2015)



Are We Going to Wake Up with a Nuke in Our Soup? — Germany’s Markus Becker Points to What Should Be Obvious (13 February 2015)



The United States Is Provocatively Sending A-10 Thunderbolts to Germany — and 600 Paratroops to train Ukrainian Troops — Chancellor Angela Merkel is the Only Grownup Left (12 February 2015)



When We Frame Geopolitical Issues in Mistaken Terms — We Guarantee that We Will Come Up with Unwise Solutions — Is the Ukraine Problem One of Russian Hegemony or Blatant Aggression? (09 February 2015)



US Recklessness May Backfire against the Russian Federation’s Aggression in Ukraine — History Hints that their Small Dog May Be Rabidly Tougher than Our Big One on its Home Turf (05 February 2015)



American Outrage over ISIS’ Burning of Jordanian Pilot — Lieutenant Muath al-Kasaesbeh — Reflects in Equal Measure Our Own Killing Hypocrisy (04 February 2015)



The Logistical Inertia of American Militarism Means that Our Foreign Meddling Will Not Go away (01 February 2015)



A Probably Sadly Unteachable Moment — Recognizing the Emotional Identicality between Our Reaction to the Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack — and Islamic Reactions to Our Retaliatory Attacks on Them (08 January 2015)



Loving Sanity Is so Rare that It Stands Out — Malik Abdul Hakim’s Example in the Hell that Is Afghanistan (06 January 2015)


The Pretended End of War in Afghanistan — Josef Goebbels Had Nothing on Our Own Ability to Lie (29 December 2014)



Seeing Democracy as a Defense against Torture and Unnecessary War Is Naive — A Comment about Henry Giroux’s “Radical Democracy” (19 December 2014)



Depressing Decades Culminate with the Torture Report — Stephan Richter and Patrick L. Smith Draw the Only Historically Reasonable Conclusion (18 December 2014)



American and NATO Propaganda in Regard to Russian Aerial Probing — Has Deadly Potential to Bite Us Later (16 December 2014)



The Torture Report Has Motivated a Few Insights — Take William Rivers Pitts — on Our Shared Ability to Nourish the Paranoia of American Cowardice (12 December 2014)



Andrew Bacevich’s Recent Few Paragraphs about Torture Summarize What Needs to Be Said — about the American Republic’s Decline into Fomenting Perpetual War (11 December 2014)



When We Torture, We Stoop into Weakness — Effective Torture Is beside the Point — an Example Demonstrating Why, Using Saddam Hussein as a Hypothetical (10 December 2014)



American Foreign Policy Is Not What it Seems — Mike Whitney’s Take — and Mine (02 December 2014)



Sandweiler (Luxembourg) German War Cemetery — Visited a Week after Deutschland’s Volkstrauertag — Germany’s National Day of Mourning (26 November 2014)



Budgeting the Military Industrial Complex and Other Juxtapositionally Humorous Indications of Our Anti-Strategic Stupidity (24 November 2014)



Alexander Nekrassov Writes Appealingly Dry Columns about the Varied Idiocies of Our Age — The Former Kremlin Adviser Is Worth a Read for those Bored by the American Media’s Blanket Ignorance(20 November 2014)



Irrelevant Criticisms of Russian Expansionism Indicate How Foolish Anti-Russian Strategists Have Been — No Wonder President Putin Is Running Wild (14 November 2014)



Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial — Veterans Day 2014 — Painful Transience (12 November 2014)


Reflection on Armistice Day — One War Ended by Planting Seeds for Another — What Is Not so Different Now (10 November 2014)


When Your Adversary Sees You More Clearly than You Perceive Yourself, Can Trouble Be Far behind? — A Surprisingly Accurate Chinese Perspective on the United States (07 November 2014)



Max Boot’s Article about “More Small Wars” — Is a Good Overview of What Needs to Change — It Can Be Summarized in Just One Phrase (27 October 2014)



More Camouflaging Silliness from the Obama Administration — We Will Be Training Moderate Syrian Militias to Be Defensive, Not Offensive Forces — and in Only 8 Weeks — Given the Obvious Stupidity of this Idea, Guess What Actually Underlies It (23 October 2014)



After Screwing the Middle East Up — for Seemingly Ever — the United States Is Now Provoking NATO Ally, Turkey (20 October 2014)



Secretary of State John Kerry’s Unfortunately Ridiculous Strategic Justification — for Letting the Syrian City of Kobane Potentially Fall to ISIL — When We Act Brain Dead, it Would Be Better to Hide (Not Trumpet) the Fact (09 October 2014)



American Bumbling in the Middle East Illustrates Andrew Bacevich’s Washington Rules at Play — Plus a Psychological Explanation for Our Self-Destruction from Paul Verhaeghe (06 October 2014)



Imran Khan’s Comment about the Non-Existence of a Group that Calls itself Khorasan — American Lemmings Off to War (02 October 2014)



Three Smoking Paragraphs from Retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor PhD — an Example of Superbly Pointed Writing — regarding American Anti-ISIL Military Action in Iraq and Syria (25 September 2014)


When I Was a Kid, Going to War Was a Big Deal — Now, It Is Just Something We Do (15 September 2014)



More Deadly American Silliness — This Time against ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State — the Apparent Political Futility of Acting as if One Has a Strategically Minded Brain (11 September 2011)



Why Does James Foley’s Beheading Defeat Our Ability to Think Rationally about Achieving Strategic Objectives? — Terrorists Snap Fingers and We Foolishly Dance to Their Tune (25 August 2014)



American Volunteer Mark Gregory Paslawsky Died in Ukraine — Knowing What He Was Up Against — a Comment regarding How Easily Political Corruption Overcomes Personal Courage — Think of His Example Occasionally and Ponder the Nature of Duty (21 August 2014)



Another Piece of History’s Symbolism — Israel Recently Killed the Innocent Gaza Relatives of Dutchman Henk Zanoli — Whom They Had Honored in 2011 for Saving a Jewish Child from the Holocaust (18 August 2014)



Matthew Hoh’s Illumination of the Lie that Constituted American Involvement in Afghanistan — U.S. Army Major General Harold Greene’s Symbolizing Death by Insider Attack (15 August 2014)



Alex Kane’s and Chris Hedges’ Cautionary Perspectives on Gaza Can Be Understood More Universally — Both Are about the Global Trivialization of Evil for Profit (14 August 2014)



Three Eloquently Cogent Antidotes to Americas Self-Defeating Support of Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza(05 August 2014)



Israel Is Quickly Erasing its already Convoluted Legitimacy — Human Rights Lawyer Brad Parker and Political Analyst Marwan Bishara — Join Henry Giroux — in Pointing to Militarism’s Moral Double Speak (30 July 2014)



Henry Giroux’s Essay — “Killing Machines and the Madness of Militarism” — Goes to the Heart of the Moral Disease that Afflicts the United States and Israel — Both of which Have Now become the Evil that They Once Professed to Fight (25 July 2014)



Comrade President Putin apparently Shot Himself in the Behind by Supporting Separatists in Ukraine — After Those Cretins Evidently Shot Down a Malaysian Airliner — so Much for Putin’s Visions of Adroitly Conducted Russian Expansionism (19 July 2014)



A Surprisingly Good Editorial about Foreign Policy from Senator Rand Paul — In this Instance, Usually Unworkable Libertarian Philosophy Gets It Right (15 July 2014)



Dick Cheney and John McCain Illustrate the Brain Block Conundrum — Namely, “We Could Not Possibly Be Wrong, so You Have to Be — No Matter What Reality Says” — A Good Illustration of Why Experience Is Wasted on Human Beings (18 June 2014)



On this 2014 Commemoration of D Day — It Should Be Obvious that General Shinseki’s Resignation Alone Will Not Fix Veterans Affairs — So What Is Our Self-Involved Commander in Chief Going to Do about It? (06 June 2014)



A Nation of Sheep Tolerates Its Liar in Chief — American Combat Troops Are Going to Stay in Afghanistan because It Pleases the Military Industrial Complex (01 June 2014)


Memorial Day 2014 — A Continuing Failure of Leadership regarding Caring for Our Military Veterans(26 May 2014)


Time to Boot Eric Shinseki from the Veterans Administration — It Is Way too Late for Him to Say that He Did Not Know about VA Appointment Backlogs and Cover Ups (19 May 2014)


President Obama’s Initiation of a New Cold War —  Paradoxically Aggravates Problems for the Russian Periphery Nations (05 May 2014)


A Pummeling Paragraph from Renee Parsons Sums the Obama Administration (01 May 2014)


Propping Regimes that Finance Anti-American Terrorism Works to the Military Industrial Complex’s Advantage — another Manifestation of Manipulative Corporatism (30 April 2014)



The Associated Press Reported that No Air Force Generals Were Punished for Proficiency Test Cheating in Three Missile Squadrons —the Message Being that Air Force Generals Are Responsible for Nothing and Accountable for Nothing (28 March 2014)



The Commander in Chief’s Unskillful and Crisis Escalating Trash Talk about Russia Continues — Donald Rumsfeld’s Critique of the Administration’s Too Public Foreign Policy Was Exactly on Point (26 March 2014)



US and European Reactions to the Crimean Situation Are Poorly Thought Out — and May Be Pushing Russia into another Territorial Expansion (21 March 2014)



England’s Anti War, World War II Member of Parliament, Tony Benn Died Last Week — Reminding Me that Horrific Shared Personal Experiences Make No Dent in Subsequent Generations’ Rock Headed Sensibilities — a Comment about Futility and Hope (18 March 2014)



Comrade Putin’s Revenge? — A 2013 WIN/Gallup International Global Poll Showed that the US Is Internationally Seen as the Biggest Threat to Peace — and Nicolas J. S. Davies’ Essay — 35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists — Gives the Polled Perspective Credence (06 March 2014)



Short Sighted American and European Tactics regarding Russia in Crimea May Backfire (0d March 2014)


Peter Van Buren, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People (2011) — a Serendipitously Good Companion to — Robert Gates, Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of War — a Book Review (28 January 2014)



Failure of Public Imagination regarding US Drone Murders Abroad — See the Washington Post Opinion Piece by Yemen’s Minister for Human Rights, Hooria Mashhour (15 January 2014)



Barry Lando’s “The American Legacy in Iraq” Documents what Happens — When the United States’ Ignorance Combines Arrogance with Militarism — to Produce Geopolitical Hell on Earth — Then Turns to Ask (Like a 4-Year-Old), “Who Me?” (11 January 2014)



Two Grace-Filled Words Pierced the Heart during Air Force Captain David Lyon’s Cortege through Peterson Air Force Base (07 January 2014)



Ex-Marine Infantry Squad Leader Paul Szoldra’s Short, Eloquent Summation of the Moral and Strategic Futility of the Iraq War Cannot Be Bested — a Comment Expanding His, Tell Me Again, Why Did My Friends Die In Iraq? (04 January 2014)



American and British Media Hypocrisy Is Eagerly at Work in Blaming Newly Deceased Mikhail Kalashnikov for the Deaths His Rifle Caused — Conveniently Forgetting Our Unparalleled Role in Dispensing Destruction around the World (23 December 2013)



A Depressingly Accurate Caricature of Today’s United States — Pakistani Drone Victim Rafiq ur Rehman’s Trip to America — and to a Government that Was too Busy Doing More Wrong to See Him(04 November 2013)



Substituting Special Operations for Drone Strikes — in the Capture of al-Qaeda Leader Abu Anas al-Liby in Libya — and the Attempted Capture or Execution of al-Shabaab Leader Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr in Somalia — May Indicate the President’s Temporary and Perhaps Cynical Retreat from His Drone Murder Policy — during a Time when the 2013 Government Shutdown Has the Spotlight Aimed at Him(07 October 2013)



In Fat Cat America — Our Metaphorically Porky Upper Class Never Pays the Price for Sucking other People’s Lives Dry — a Completely Representative Example from the Marine Corps’ Alleged Sacking of Two Generals — an Action that Rewarded, rather than Punished, the Incompetence that Led to the Camp Bastion (Afghanistan) Disaster in September 2012 (03 October 2013)


Our Deadly Record of Crapping on those Who Helped Us in Iraq — Now Repeats in Afghanistan — Making Us Not Exactly an Admirable Nation (27 September 2013)



Speaking to George Stephanopoulos — in regard to Syria’s Use of Chemical Weapons — President Obama’s Responses Were as Superficially Coherent as Weak Critical Thinking Skills Can Make Them — which Prompts the Question, “What is the Commander in Chief Really Up to?” (15 September 2013)



Oh Please, Mr. Robinson, Is This the Best You Can Do? — A Comment regarding Columnist Eugene Robinson’s Poorly Thought Out Swipe at the Obnoxious Vladimir Putin (13 September 2013)



Who Would Have Thought that a Former KGB Officer Would become the Geopolitical Strategy Grownup in the Room? — Vladimir Putin’s New York Times Opinion Piece Countered President Obama’s Naive World View — a Calculated Ploy, but True, insofar as It Goes (12 September 2013)



Moral Outrage May Not Be Enough to Justify War — especially When the Outrage Lacks Comprehensible Strategic Direction (09 September 2013)



Worthy Analysis and Writing from Lt. Colonel Daniel L. Davis — “Purge the Generals” (28 August 2013)


Obtuse Strategic Thinking about American Intervention in Syria — a Good Example of How We Get Ourselves into the Foolish and often Bloody Situations that We Do (27 August 2013)



A Wise Perspective on Radical Islam Comes from Two Chris Hedges Paragraphs — both of which May Be Prophetic regarding America’s Own Accelerating Socioeconomic Inequality (15 August 2013)



A Reminder of the Price of War — Cortege for Fallen US Army Specialist Rob Lee Nichols — at Peterson Air Force Base (02 August 2013)



It Is Apparently Okay to Kill Hundreds and Not Tell Anyone We Did It — the United States’ Cowardly Comfort with War Crimes (01 August 2013)



William J Astore Capably Rebutted Major General H R McMaster’s Superficial New York Times Article — about The Pipe Dream of Easy War — with the Penetrating Dismissal that It Deserves (27 July 2013)



Memorial Day 2013 — A Heightened Awareness of the Price of Armed Engagements Might Do Us More Good than the too Easy and Superficial Recall of Past Sacrifices (27 May 2017)



Pakistan’s Peshawar High Court Ordered the Pakistan Government to Confront U.S. Drone “War Crimes” at the United Nations — Is American Human Rights Hypocrisy Finally Going to Go on Global Display? (16 May 2013)



The Belligerent Arrogance of America’s Anti-Nuke Foreign Policy further Aggravates already Difficult International Tensions — Take North Korea and Iran, as Examples (12 April 2013)



The Inevitable Karma that Attends Looking for Trouble — the United States Has Now Established a Drone Base in Niger (Africa) — and Anti-Terrorist Imam Boureima Abdou Daouda Sums the Risk in a Simple Metaphor (26 March 2013)



While Members of Congress and the President Receive Massive Amounts of Defense Sector Lobbying Money — Who Does the Dying? — Who Assists the Maimed? — Who Damps the Rage that We Leave in Our Wake? (25 February 2013)



The United Nations Human Rights Council Is Going to Investigate the Practice of Drone Murder — Will the Inquiry Be Enough to Slap Legal and Moral Sense into the Imperial American Presidency? (26 January 2013)



The Tiresome Problem of Generals — Who Speak Out against the Evils of Unnecessary War, only afterThey Have Retired — General Stanley McChrystal Now Agrees that Drone Murder Is Bad — Yet, He apparently Didn’t Do Squat about it, even when He Was the Ranking Commander in Afghanistan — and a Comment about the Moral Implications of True Leadership (08 January 2013)



The More It Stays the Same — regarding U.S. Backing of Humanity-Crushing Dictators — Al JazeeraExamines American Complicity in Prolonging the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Civil War (29 November 2012)



A Handful of Words from Writer Alison Buckholtz Puts Coverage of the Petraeus-Broadwell-Allen-Kelley Matter into Perspective — a Comment regarding Ethical Complacence and War (14 November 2012)



Veterans Day, Peterson AFB — Evocative Shape of an F-4 in Snow — 11 November 2012 (11 November 2012)



Has American Foreign Policy become Quasi-Religious Crusading under another Name? — It’s Not Just Islamic Fanatics Playing a Deadly Game (26 September 2012)



Ignoring Afghanistan — Murder by Not Caring — the Death of Lance Corporal Greg Buckley Junior (USMC) Symbolizes What Happens when a Volunteer Military Exclusively Bears the Brunt of Stupid American Foreign and Military Policy (20 September 2012)



Much More than a Ripple at Peterson Air Force Base — and Almost Nothing at all Nationally — U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Kevin Griffin Comes Home for Burial — on the Continuing Chasm between those Who Serve and Those Who Don’t (19 August 2012)



A Predictably Sad Plan in Afghanistan — Leaving the Afghan Army without the Equipment, Skills and Infrastructure that It Would Need to Actually Carry Out the Obama Administration’s Hand-Over Scheme — and a Comment on Brain-Clowns and the Institutionalized Lack of Realism that Got Us into this Hopeless Situation (03 August 2012)



Perspective on the Fourth of July — the War in Afghanistan Continues — while American Television Covers Trivially Unreflective Ways to Celebrate what these Troops and their Predecessors Routinely Sacrificed their Lives for (04 July 2012)



Professor-Colonel Andrew Bacevich Warns Us about Perpetual War under its Newly Evolved Special Operations Guise — and My Comment about the Commander in Chief’s Perhaps Self-Unquestioned Arrogance (05 June 2012)



Look at the Administration’s Poorly Thought Out Drone Policy from an Adversary’s Perspective — then Consider What an Unbiased International Court Might Legitimately Say about Us Years Down the Road (30 May 2012)



Memorial Day — Peterson Air Force Base — 2012 (28 May 2012)



Ambassador Henry Crumpton Contrasted CIA and FBI Mentalities in a Useful Way — His Analysis Indirectly Explains How Agency Rivalries are Aggravated by Differing Mission Perspectives — with the Nation’s Counter-Terrorism Effort Probably the Loser (14 May 2012)



In Afghanistan through 2024? — The United States Seems to Revel in Persistently Self-Destructive Imbecility (02 May 2012)



Australian Journalist, Mungo Maccallum, Sums the American Experience in Afghanistan Rather Well (23 April 2012)



What Should Be Common Sense regarding the Evil of War Seems Not to Be Accepted by Many Americans — on a Comment from Professor/Colonel Andrew Bacevich (25 March 2012)



Two Quotable Sentences from Paul Rosenberg — and an Insight from Qais Azimy — about Misbegotten Wars and Denial’s Devilish Trumpet (21 March 2012)



Courageous Sacrifice in Afghanistan — Two Simple Stories that Highlight the Cynically Calculated Cowardice Displayed by America’s Political Leadership (16 March 2012)



Regarding Afghanistan, American Leadership Combines Denial with Stupidity and a Callous Disregard for Blood and Truth (15 March 2012)



Columnist Roger Simon Noticed the Stark Contrast between the Emotional Disengagement of the American Imperium and Ordinary People’s Living and Dying — President Obama’s Unwitting Support for Islamic Insurgents’ Most Persuasive Argument against Western Domination (13 March 2012)



If We Fixed this One Thing about Our Blinkered View of the World, Happy Things Would Follow — a Comment about an Insightful Essay by Richard Falk (10 March 2012)



Rampaging Afghanis as an Example of the Folly of Trying to Nation-Build in a Region that History’s Social Evolution Left Behind — the Strategic Argument for Avoiding Wars that Cannot Be Won — and a Defense of Our Troops’ Occasional “Diplomatic” Mistakes in Waging Them (29 February 2012)



Mistakenly Burned Korans? — Two U.S. Soldiers Are Dead, Probably because of this Stupidity — the Heretofore Concealed Dangers Posed by an Actively Proselytizing Christian U.S. Military (24 February 2012)



Columnist Leonard Pitts’ Wise Perspective on a Marine Corps Scout Sniper Team’s Display of the Nazi “SS” Symbol — and My Own Comment regarding Warrior Symbols and Unfair Criticism of Expressions of the Warrior Mentality (17 February 2012)



Increasingly Hard-Line, Anti-Iran, Lunacy from U.S. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta — Experience Appears Not to Affect American Policy (01 February 2012)