The value of verbal rabies?

© 2018 Peter Free


26 Jul 2018



Verbal rabies has its communicative place


(Yes, that is a bad pun.)


Consider, in writing style, Paul Edwards' synopsis of our American state:



The claim that all that is wrong with America is due to the malignant machinations of Putin is the most blatantly false, potentially disastrous bucket of bullshit ever inflicted . . . on this ignorant, credulous, propagandized people.


The MSM [mainstream media]


–the PR arm of the War Machine Complex that owns us–


has so infected the national mind with the sleazy fiction concocted by the Democrat’s Geezer Politburo


–the DNC slugs, Schumer, Pelosi and their geriatric myrmidons [meaning, essentially, "ass-licker"]–


that Trumpophobe Automatons rage at Putin and howl for a war, the horror of which they can’t begin to imagine.


Blaming their election loss on Russia, after decades impoverishing working people for the obscene enrichment of the War Machine and its megacorporate monsters, would just be ridiculous if it weren’t so foolishly, desperately dangerous.


[T]he CIA, FBI, NSA, the Justice Department and the whole foetid [fetid] nomenklatura [see here] . . . of  sociopathic rats, are portrayed as white knights of virtue . . . .


These are the vermin that gave us Vietnam, the Bay of Pigs, Chile, the Contras, Iraq’s WMD [weapons of mass destruction] . . . .


© 2018 Paul Edwards, When Worse is the Enemy of Bad, CounterPunch (26 July 2018) (reformatted for clarity)



Over the top writing?


Negatively, perhaps, in defeating its purpose. Too many words that almost nobody knows.


But still, a useful expression of rage. One directed at evil leadership. As well as at the gullibility of easily manipulated Americans.



The moral? — Sometimes you may have to express revulsion by frothing


Adjectives and undiplomatic nouns. Use them freely, when theme-appropriate.