The United States Is Losing Freedom’s Heritage

© 2010 Peter Free


12 April 2010



Oligarchy/plutocracy rule America is now a plutonomy


With two strategically-misguided wars in progress and after decades of spendthrift lawmaking, our nation is undermining its historic promise.


At the highest levels, intelligence, learning, and integrity-based leadership are in retreat.


Today, we consistently elect and appoint a self-interested elite to power.  This group is comprised of more than a sprinkling of hypocrites, panderers, and self-aggrandizing cowards.


The United States has become a plutonomy.  Wealthy (predominantly corporate) interests have subverted democratic institutions to do their will.


Congress is dysfunctionally worse than useless.  The Supreme Court has reverted to the elite-protecting, anti-modern institution it has historically been.  The Presidency mixes near-regal prerogatives with reality-avoiding ineptitudes.


The American plutocracy:


(i) ships our jobs and productive capacities overseas,


(ii) wastefully kills our military personnel, and


(iii) provokes legitimate resentment from other peoples,


(iv) as it continues the unsustainable expansion of American military occupation(s) around the world.



If this oligarchical trend continues, the United States will:


(a) lack the manufacturing and intellectual base it needs to create real wealth


(as opposed to the manipulative pretend wealth the financial sector is founded on);


(b) egregiously lower the standard of living for ninety-nine percent of the American population;


(c) provoke violent resistance from foreign nations and cultural movements that legitimately fear a perpetually-at-war America;




(d) effectively end meaningful personal freedom for most United States citizens.


Why is plutonomy bad?


One cannot be free and penniless at the same time.


Personal freedom cannot survive without the mutual individual sacrifices necessary to support an integrated, equitable community.


Plutonomy, plutocracy, plutarchy, and oligopoly are all anti-American.


Awaken America


To wake ourselves up, we must examine ourselves more thoroughly and thoughtfully.  With less self-indulgent bias.


Our leaders did not become who they are without our participation.


We deceived ourselves.  We wanted something for nothing.


Lower taxes and more services?  Get real.


Obscuring emotions


We must set ill-considered emotions aside long enough to think and act competently for the benefit of a larger whole.


Corporations have a social obligation not to ruin the society which gave them the legal authority and protection with which to operate.


Elected government needs act in the public interest, rather than as Plutonomy’s Paid Hand.


What to do


Consider duty.

Act capably.

Exhibit honorable integrity.

Sacrifice selfishness when it obstructs the whole.


We can do this


Duty, honor, integrity, and sacrifice are not in short supply.  They are just no longer fashionable.


Call to American duty


Let us more frequently exemplify the best and most generous of ourselves.