Uncritical acceptance of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine claims is idiotic — but that's not stopping Big Pharma and its captive Lamestream

© 2020 Peter Free


13 November 2020



US government and its propaganada-prone American media are . . .


. . . trotting out Pfizer's (currently still under-testing) mRNA COVID vaccine as the world's salvation.





This happy unveiling is entirely based on Pfizer's uncorroborated press release, which capitalist-conveniently lacks any verifiable quantitative, scientifically supported data to support its message.


The Pfizer blurb is, at its core, an advertisement.


And we know how rigorously truthful advertisements tend to be.



Flaw number two — in this parade of Establishment air-headedness . . .


. . . is the fact that the Pfizer vaccine requires storage and transport at minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 Fahrenheit). It will last only 24 hours at refrigerator temperatures between 35.6 and 46.4 Fahrenheit.


You can imagine how infrastructure-dependent this requirement makes it, even in a genuinely advanced economy — one arguably somewhat unlike our own, with its crumbling infrastructure and lackadaisical approaches to actually implementing genuine modernity.



Pfizer has (arguably) crafted a loser


What is worse — even if the vaccine starts out as effective and safe, there will be inevitable instances:



those being probably proportionately significant in numbers


in which the vaccine has spoiled


due to getting too warm


and no one will know


or admit


that this has been the case.



If we are fortunate, these spoiled doses will not harm anyone. The vaccine will just be ineffective in an almost certainly unrecognized and unrecognizable way. That spoiled trait, of course, contributing epidemiological complications of its own.



In short, safety and efficacy are not the only criteria for creating workable vaccines


How conveniently one can get them to where they need to go — and in easily administered and trustworthy forms — are just as important.



The moral? — Why is everyone in influential authority in the United States so unbelievably clueless?


Answer — money. In the United States, incoming lucre conceals virtually all ills.


Remember this, when you go about receiving your anticipated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.


And wonder what you — and they — have gotten your unavoidably "sorry ass" into.