Two voracious American stupidities — Donald Trump and the Deep State

© 2020 Peter Free


25 February 2020



In the end, we are all going to be eaten by Stupidity's goblins


In the United States, at its top levels, no viable choices for actual competence are left.


On the one hand, we have our "circus for its own sake" President.


On the other, our equally brain-dead Deep State.


Both are currently competing to ensure that we flush the United States into that great turd-land in the sky.



Two points of supporting evidence




President Trump, who has a genius for narcissism-sponsored manipulation — and none for constructive direction — appointed his loyal-to-a-fault supporter, Ambassador Richard Grenell, to direct national intelligence.


Grenell is to serve in temporary ("acting") capacity, so as to avoid the requirement for Senate confirmation.


Grenell, you may recall, is virtually unique in modern American history for having demonstrated an eager and intellectually vacuous capacity to piss off the entire nation whom he was appointed to "ambassador" to — Germany.


And now, on the basis of Grenell's unalloyed lack of experience with intelligence — in both its senses — Trump thinks that Grenell will be a good director of American spook-ish-ness.


In fact, President Trump thinks so highly of Grenell (and so little of Germany) that Grenell is to retain his ambassadorship — while he begins to loyally cavort (like a bushy-tailed squirrel) as Director of National Intelligence.


It is difficult to imagine a more loonish approach to achieving successful national security.


But hey, Trump is Trump, and we'all put him in office.




The Deep State, apparently determined to prove that it is just as moronically inclined as its Commander in Chief, is giving the baseless "The Russians Are Taking Us Over" story another go-round.


However, this time it is not only Trump, whom the Rooskies are supposedly trying to elect in November 2020. It is also Bernie Sanders, who is (the Russians supposedly hope) to become the Democratic Party's "socialistic" opposition to Toddling Donny.


We are to infer, on the basis of these two intelligence community leaks, that Trump and Sanders are both involved in a mutually supporting dance to take "Ah-Murika" down.


Naturally, the Deep State's airy claims are unsupported by even a smidge of evidence.


Why provide kernels of easily disproven proof, when none exists?


The Big Lie repeatedly proves itself to be a workable propaganda technique.



The moral? — To this miserable play of competing (and unwholesomely destructive) vacuities — we are victim


The official United States has become nothing more than a tableau of mindless viciousness in action.


Even our elitist Founding Fathers would be chagrinned at such an impressively asinine end.


But heck, that's who we are now.


We may as well be proud of it.


Let's chant "USA" — times three — to make ourselves feel better.