Tiresome charges of racism — miss the socioeconomic point

© 2020 Peter Free


06 July 2020



Spare us 'woke' people?


Take one of their representative allegations:



Why don’t we take climate change seriously?


Racism is the answer.


If climate change directly affected white Westerners, action would have come quicker.


© 2020 Sulaiman Ilyas-Jarrett, Why don’t we take climate change seriously? Racism is the answer, (01 July 2020)





Sure, that's why the United States rushes to save dirt-poor whites and fair-skinned homeless folk from poverty's ills.



Truth is . . .


Wealthy people and corporations run the world.


They profit by looting and poisoning the planetary Commons, as well as our wallets.


This pillaging has little to do with race, even though its effects often manifest upon the world's numerically dominant portion of economically poor brown, red, yellow and black people.


If the planet were predominantly white-skinned, the outcome would be the same. Look at feudalism's course through history to the present day.



The moral? — Socioeconomic class is the most fundamental human divider


Insofar as Wokeness ignores class — in favor of doing its nauseatingly repetitive Identity Politics Dance — we are not going to go anywhere useful.


That is exactly the controlling Oligarchy's intent.


Ergo, woke people ain't.