The tiny handful of people still plugging Anti-Doom's Dike are dying off — Russia expert Stephen F. Cohen, for one

© 2020 Peter Free


19 September 2020



Humanity, for the most part, is populated with brainwashed folk


This painful situation alerts those of us — who are not yet propaganda-gutted — to the value the remarkably few sane people, who have spent their lives plugging holes in Anti-Destruction's Dike.


That's the societal mental structure that holds back Violent Idiocy's common current.



Professor Stephen F. Cohen . . .


. . . a Russia scholar, was one of these.


He died yesterday. His voice having been consistently raised in favor of facts and reason. And against the demented onslaught of US and EU-concocted anti-Russia feeling.



A more symbolically valuable . . .


. . . human being in favor of rational peace is difficult to conjure.



Yet typically


The New York Times — that characteristically war-fomenting US propaganda outlet — missed the point to Cohen's life and death.


Its obituary ultimately concentrated on Dr. Cohen's alleged defense of Vladimir Putin. Rather than on the big, accurate picture that Cohen had consistently presented.


A more telling example of the American Lamestream's 'stupidity and deception on legs' is hard to imagine.


In contrast — self-labeled "rogue journalist" — Caitlin Johnstone immediately perceived the meaning to Professor Cohen's death:



In a world that is increasingly confusing and awash with propaganda, Cohen’s death is a blow to humanity’s desperate quest for clarity and understanding.


The last of the many books Cohen authored was 2019’s War with Russia?, detailing his ideas on how the complex multi-front nature of the post-2016 cold war escalations against Moscow combines with Russiagate and other factors to make it in some ways more dangerous even than the most dangerous point of the previous cold war.


The Russiagate psyop that he predicted would pressure Trump to advance dangerous cold war escalations with no opposition from the supposed opposition party has indeed done exactly that with nary a peep of criticism from either partisan faction of the political/media class.


Cohen has for years been correctly predicting this chilling scenario which now threatens the life of every organism on earth, even while his own life was nearing its end.


© 2020 Caitlin Johnstone, Stephen Cohen Has Died. Remember His Urgent Warnings Against The New Cold War, (19 September 2020)



The moral? — Professor Cohen is gone and . . .


War's Wolves will — even more rabidly — spurt through the fragile dike that protects us from self-destruction.


If we look around with genuine awareness, we recognize how few prominently clear-seeing people there are, populating this planet.


Especially these days, as a Tsunami of Pillaging Morons enthusiastically drowns soul sense.


John Donne's "tolls for thee" poem is apt.