All three branches of American Government are now in Plutocracy's hands

© 2018 Peter Free


08 October 2018



Acknowledge the rot and be happy?


With Justice Brett Kavanaugh's hyper-partisan ascension to the Supreme Court, the judiciary completed its surrender to the Plutocracy that controls the United States.


Procedurally, we no longer maintain even idealized objectivity standards for judicial appointment. The Senate seems to agree that political hackery is not a disqualifying trait.


This bodes poorly for public trust in government.



Useless Democrats — grandstanding over what couldn't be proven — instead of what could


Did you notice in the pre-Professor Christine Blasey Ford Senate days that few questioned Judge Kavanaugh's existing judicial record on the DC Circuit?


Nor did many comment substantively about his (pre-DC Circuit) super-partisan political hatchet-jobbing. See, for instance, here and here. Those over-the-top displays of political bias, alone, should have disqualified him as a Supreme Court appointee.


Instead — and foolishly ignoring both those incontrovertible sources — as well as the legitimate legal and policy arguments that they would have raised — the Democratic Party dragged identity politics and Professor Christine Ford into the fray. This, of course, infuriated Republicans because Senator Feinstein's ploy seemed so extraneously unnecessary.


The more experienced among us knew where her report of a youthfully booze-related date rape attempt was likely to wind up.


And so, it painfully did. With Kavanaugh on the Court. And Professor Ford unmercifully hounded.



The moral? — American government now lacks democratic legitimacy across all three branches


A public that distrusts its fascist government is one that is likely, eventually, to be forcibly suppressed.


The future looks grim.