Gosh, that was revealing — yesterday's Trump, Pelosi and Schumer — puppet-people show

© 2018 Peter Free


12 December 2018



Give some people enough loose rope . . .


. . . and they'll manage to hang themselves without assistance.


Did you already think that American government is ridiculous, inept, idiotic, wasteful and essentially the Devil's Doing?


Just watch this 10 minute video clip of hope-sinking confirmation:



Washington Post, Watch the full, on-camera shouting match between Trump, Pelosi and Schumer, YouTube (11 December 2018)



The above-named trio were at the White House yesterday


They (supposedly) were there to discuss, negotiate and prevent the possibility of a government shutdown.


That threat arising due to the perceived likelihood that President Trump's famous border "wall" will not be funded by Congress.



The two Congressional plotters' scheme


(Soon to be Democratic House Majority Leader) Nancy Pelosi — and (Democratic Senate Minority Leader) Chuck Schumer — evidently wanted to trap (Republican) President Donald Trump — into taking responsibility for initiating the anticipated government shutdown.



A negotiation — this was not


Somebody (probably the President, given whose room it was) thought that it was a good idea to invite the press.


Unfortunately (with regard to maintaining public faith in government) — the Grand Television Eye "forced" the two penis-hangers present to act out their sperm-brained demons. A profoundly silly gladiatorial verbal combat ensued.


Only Mother Nancy emerged with a shred of dignity.


That gender-attributed assignment of responsibility is, in my unusually variegated experience, fairly typical of these power gatherings between hormone-pulsing Phallus Dwellers.



Danielle Tcholakian astutely described the spectacle this way


She said that:



Trump was the drunk uncle who remembers one thing he heard on TV and won’t stop repeating it (“Wall! Ten Democrats! Wall!”);


Schumer was the surly brother back from his first couple months of college with too much self-righteous knowledge to keep his damn mouth shut


so we can get through this stupid dinner and all go to our respective rooms;


Pelosi was—as women far too often are in the workplace—the mom trying to keep the peace through gritted teeth.


[T]he indisputable and obvious fact is that Pelosi did indeed play mommy to these two large adult men, and their deeply embarrassing display likely would have been a lot worse if she hadn’t.


And while it’s commendable to see her subvert gendered stereotypes by being the cool head in a room of bickering men who can’t control their emotions,


it’s frustrating that she was forced to play into a different gendered stereotype to try to keep those emotionally out-of-control men on track to do the important work they are tasked with.


© 2018 Danielle Tcholakian, Nancy Pelosi Had to Play Mom Because Donald Trump and Chuck Schumer Acted Like Babies, Daily Beast (12 December 2018) (paragraph split for online reading clarity)



Tcholakian's description may be too kind


Senator Schumer, in addition to verbally disrespecting the Presidential Office, kept jabbing his pointer finger into the Commander in Chief's personal space.


Schumer came across as the kid on the playground, whom you just want to punch in the mouth.


And then watch his chinky white teeth fall, preferably bloodied and with their roots still attached, into the sandbox.


And afterward:



while he's blubbering theatrically for Momma,


bitch slap him on both sides of his fool head —


with stiff orange vegetables retrieved


(specifically for that purpose)


from your own




brown paper


lunch bag.



And the President?




This is a guy who (says that he) wrote books about negotiation. But yesterday, it was obviously clear that he doesn't actually listen to anybody, any of the time.


I am uncertain whether it was the President's not listening — or his continually non sequitur interruptions — that irritated me more.



However, in the President's favor . . .


He "manfully" — (we do have a sexist language, don't we?) — accepted Schumer's nastily delivered challenge.


He said that he would take the blame for a government shutdown, if that is what it takes to get him his wall.


I liked that straightforwardness. "Lefty" though I am.


And the President's base of "conservative" support will see his lack of waffle just as favorably as I did.


In truth, Senator Schumer is characteristically such an pontificating ass, that I was happy to see The Donald:



metaphorically shove the Senate Minority Leader's smirking face


into the muck generated by his own game-playing




(while the President had the Senator's frontside conveniently there)


rub it around.



(In sharing that thought, I may be one of Hillary Clinton's cave-dwelling "deplorables".)



Thank goodness for Representative Pelosi's contrasting professionalism


Much as I detest the (soon to be) House Majority Leader's plutocrat-supporting value system, I respect her exceptional political skill.


If one could put Pelosi on a leash — attached to a more common-person-inclined philosophy — she would be a superbly talented get-things-done person.


Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, her soul was corrupted.



The moral? — Caught between brazenly displayed penile stupidity — and misdirected Nancy Values — we, the Rabble, are doomed


We can, though, enliven our fading light by watching the above video.


Reminding ourselves that even "we" are superior to the two figuratively naked and strutting sack-carriers depicted in it.


Lord have mercy.


In every black cloud, an evanescent silver lining.