Respect where it's due — the Taliban — and all those other impoverished people who fought the voracious US Imperium off

© 2021 Peter Free


16 August 2021



A lesson in what National Arrogance gets us


With America frantically trying to recover its left-behind undershorts in Afghanistan, consider a few things:



First, the people whom we shoot, missile and bomb (for profit) are almost always brown.


Second, they are poor.


Third, we almost always underestimate their self-defensive abilities and determination.



We invade their homes and then are surprised . . .


. . . when they ferociously fight back.


One after another of these comparatively un-rich populations have figuratively bent the occupying United States over a berm and rammed a cumulatively Mighty Stick up his butt.


It started (in Modernity's Chapter) with Vietnam and is continuing now in Afghanistan.


The American Imperium has been repeatedly bested by alleged 'rabbles' wielding budget weapons, often homemade explosives and heaps of determination and courage.



The moral? — Interpersonally and internationally, it is always about respect


Good street cops know this rule. Yet the American Imperium's leadership does not:



If you do not treat people with respect, they will (eventually) make you.



I suspect that the United States' imperial failures are due to the fact that most of our Leading Elite comes from (or is polluted by) the Pampered Class's feelings of superior untouchability.


Underlings, who always pay for the Pampered Class's delusions, are members of the United States' all-volunteer military and that Military's foreign victims.


Our national cluelessness is discovering (again) that these targeted people have courage, determination, smarts and teeth.


If you are of insightful makeup — consider the fact that our opponents in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan have actually been impoverished Exemplars of how to defend Liberty from its richly arrogant oppressors.




Pay it.


And stay out of tragic trouble.