US propaganda substitutes itself for worthwhile action — as a matter of policy

© 2021 Peter Free


14 June 2021



Two news accounts caught my eye, this morning


First, was the Deep State's — NBC-leaked, pure propaganda — article about Russia.


Second, was a 'real' story about the collapse of wind turbine blade manufacturing in Aberdeen, South Dakota.


This green energy manufacturing demise taking place, despite all the hype that US Government forwards about (a) the merits of 'green-ness' — and (b) — the golden avenue of opportunity that it provides toward reviving America's vanished 'Making Things' sector.



Thus, on the one hand . . .


. . . we have the following, Deep State-sponsored fact-distortion flaunting itself as purported news:



Relations between the U.S. and Russia are at their worst in decades, badly frayed by a string of cyberattacks linked to Moscow, as well as a long list of old grievances — chief among them being Russia's meddling in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. elections.


Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were "farcical," and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved.


"We have been accused of all kinds of things," he said. "Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations."


Putin also repeated the call for the U.S. and Russia to join forces to fight cybercrime, saying, "It is our great hope that we will be able to set up this process with our U.S. partners."


He proposed a cyber reboot with Washington last year when Donald Trump was still president, but some in the U.S. dismissed his efforts as disingenuous.


Throughout the interview, Putin relied on the Kremlin's time-tested strategy of deflecting criticism by pointing out America's failures, suggesting that criticism from the West was hypocritical because every country, including Russia and the U.S., acts in its own self-interest.


Asked about Biden's criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren't cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents.


He even pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.


© 2021 Keir Simmons, Corky Siemaszko and Yuliya Talmazan, Putin dismisses criticism of hacking and internal crackdowns ahead of Biden summit, NBC News (14 June 2021)



Notice a few things


First, NBC makes its allegations, without offering any proof. This, despite the fact that five years' worth of alleged investigations produced no evidence, regarding either the alleged behavior's existence or its significance as to determining outcomes. Just as Putin legitimately points out.


Then, the Deep State (disguised as NBC News) goes on to say that "Putin relied on the Kremlin's time-tested strategy of deflecting criticism by pointing out America's failures".


This slam being confidently asserted, as if Putin's statements are blatantly mis-aimed or wildly inaccurate, when assessed within the context of international diplomatic exchange.


Laughably, the Deep State goes on to bolster its non-existent case against Demon Russia — by conning us into thinking that the Biden Administration's one-sided, over-reactively indulged criminalization of Capitol-trespassing Trump supporters was not a politically motivated act.


Evidently, Americans at large have already forgotten that non-Trump supporters had been busy looting and burning sections of American cities. As well as occasionally trying to arson cops to death. All that less than a year earlier, all without a hint of the criminally or politically oriented payback exercised against Trumpists, today.


How droll.


One has to wonder what 'foreigners' make of our constantly diarrheal nonsense.



With regard to Truth's approximations . . .


What strikes me every time that the Lamestream quotes Putin, he is in the process of saying something geopolitically accurate enough.


Putin's measured, knowledgeable and statesperson-like behavior routinely contrasts with the unrealistic, historically ignorant, usually warmongering and almost always bloviating bloat that American leaders routinely spew.


Perhaps because of this easily visible difference in Quality of Leadership, the American Deep State finds it necessary to vilify Vlad the Impaler — as well as the (economically not-mighty and not-especially-threatening) Federation that he heads.


In a sense, we are witnessing a full-bore American crusade against Reality, common sense and sensible perspectives.



Meanwhile, from the assuredly 'real' ground . . .


. . . in South Dakota, comes this unhappy news:



John F. Kerry, the special presidential envoy for climate, said only months ago that those losing fossil fuel jobs in coal and hydraulic fracturing will find they have a better choice in jobs in either the solar industry or as wind turbine technicians.


Now, a wind blade manufacturing plant located in Aberdeen, South Dakota, has announced it is shutting its doors permanently in less than two months.


The disappearance of Molded Fiber Glass will displace over three hundred workers and their families. It marks another major loss of energy jobs in the state following President Joe Biden's halting of the Keystone pipeline on the first day of his administration.


MFG said in a news release that the closure will happen because of changing market conditions, foreign competition, and proposed revisions to tax policies affecting the wind energy industry in the United States.


© 2021 Salena Zito, South Dakota rocked again as a wind turbine plant shuts its doors, Washington Examiner (14 June 2021)



Now, contrast these two reports


The first article spreads lies about a foreign leader — as well as his essentially not-competitive and not-especially-threatening nation — while accomplishing nothing of substantive benefit to the American people.


The second report tells us the true, sad state of American manufacturing and how US Government is not (and has not been) doing anything at all to improve it.



The moral? — As a matter of policy . . .


. . . we can choose between engaging in (a) combatively hostile blather or (b) actually helpful action.


I invite you to guess which choice the American Plutocracy makes every day.


Would it not be better, if the United States focused on improving reality — rather than on constantly regurgitating malevolent, unhelpful and constantly lying hype?


For example, how do y'all think our US situation is going to wind up, especially while vigorous China keeps its figurative nose glued to Practicality's grindstone?


Maybe we would be better off fixing a few things around here, as opposed to trying to control and malign folks, who are far away.