Pretend COVID infection tracking is selling Stupidity to the public — ask why
© 2020 Peter Free
18 October 2020
Tired of nonsense?
Every day, Americans and Brits are inundated with "data" about COVID infection numbers rapidly going up.
There is always someone comparing rising infection numbers between regions and nations — as if those numbers represent comparable means, testing resources and supposed facts.
The propaganda implication is always that Doom is coming for us, carrying its giant scythe of death and maiming.
Sit back a second — and think
Do you ever see an attempt to quantify the actual ratios of death and morbidity that go with these "rapidly" escalating infection numbers?
Is anyone diligently tracing the medical outcomes of the so-called new "cases"?
Does anyone point out that SARS-CoV-2 infection is not necessarily the same as being:
(a) actually sick
(b) absolutely and across-the-board introducing other people to being badly sick or terminally dead?
For all practical purposes, never.
This failure to investigate exists, despite the fact that those are the obvious epidemiological queries that any sensible society would demand answers to.
For instance — regarding the prevailing (medically absurd) definition of "case"
Every time I turn around, some media idiot (or "expert") is trying to tell us that a "case" is anybody who tested positive for COVID in some fashion.
That's nonsense.
A "case" — medically speaking — is someone who is both sick and needs medical assistance to keep ticking.
If one ignores this reality-connected definition, one is essentially saying that anyone carrying a virus (of any kind) is a "case". And, being a supposed case, therefore automatically presents societal and medical infrastructure implications.
Defined this sloppily silly way, the current situation is even worse than hysterically tracking the number of people (around the world) who have cold virus sniffles.
Have you noticed how many prominent folk are infected, and then not, in just a few days?
Alabama football coach, Nick Saban, is a good example of those silly reports.
Horrors, he tested positive. And then he didn't, times three. And now, a handful of days after becoming a "case", he is back on the Alabama versus Georgia sidelines yelling, sometimes maskless, at referees.
Catastrophe — we are to infer from this nonsensically presented 'anybody-can-get-it' data — was narrowly avoided.
The truth is that . . .
COVID is deathly bad for (as yet) unidentified and comparatively small proportions of the human population.
Consequently, the real epidemiological problems are figuring out:
who those people are
how to protect them,
without turning the rest of the world on its economic head
further impoverishing the world population.
Despite such obviously basic epidemiological sense . . .
. . . our profit-dominated culture(s) place absolutely no emphasis on solving the real investigative problem.
Ask yourselves why.
The moral? — Propagandizing panic is not a healthy societal strategy
Question why "authorities" enthusiastically continue not doing the epidemiological quantifications that they should be doing.
Is Big Pharma, and its web of self-interested Greed Fungus Humans, behind all this?
If you doubt the corporate and government behavioral pattern that is required for propagating similar deception and parasitizing, read:
Gerald Posner, Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America (Avid Reader Press, 2020)
We are living in a lunatic monkey asylum created to benefit predators.