Perplexing times — Trump lies all the time, is sometimes right, but does not follow though — his opponents lie all the time, are usually also wrong, but do follow through — which is worse?

© 2020 Peter Free


24 August 2020





As I watch the United States crumble, I have to admit the process of disintegration is perversely entertaining.


This has been like watching a battle between differently costumed Mighty Devils fighting over the control of bedraggled meat.



Contributing to our Devils' Show


Most Americans are partisan enough not to read or listen to anything that disagrees with their vehemently held, usually shallow and mentally unexamined opinions.


This culture-wide tendency fuels the deadly vigor of the Marvelous Melee.



Outside, looking in


If you do read and listen to opposing points of standard Republican and Democratic views — with a knowedgeably open mind — you will quickly conclude that proportionately "everyone" is lying (most of the time) and has a predatory agenda of one kind or another (for all of it).



Consider, for emphasis, where we are


First, President Trump is (astonishingly) not always wrong.


Although he may as well be. Because he always fails to follow through.



For instance, in not actually withdrawing from Afghanistan,


unproductively peddling the idea of not unnecessarily cold-warring with Russia,


laughably not making Mexico pay for a wall that he never got built,




volubly expressing COVID opinions, but without pushing the necessary medical investigations.



Opposing Trump are people who are also almost always wrong, but who do follow through with some of their deadly and impoverishing schemes.



Like sabotaging cheap fixes for early COVID infections,


inflating pandemic hysteria for future Big Pharma remdesivir and vaccine profits,


screwing with the formerly sound scientific procedures required for medical proof,




eagerly fomenting Perpetual War, wherever that can be instigated.





On the one hand, we have Trump — one of History's most despicably corrupt, robber baron, magno-grandificus-narcissist tyrant-wannabes:



very occasionally standing as a rickety beacon of comparative


(dim-wittedly articulated)


Sanity —


in a situation


almost entirely and previously manufactured




his much better camouflaged




Global Capitalism,


Deep State,


Military Industrial Complex




Democratic Party opponents.



All of the latter of whom, incidentally, actively continue to contribute — by doing nothing — to Trump's own non-investigating lassitude in figuring out how bad the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic really is.


There is a prescription for National Collapse embedded this brains-lacking state of affairs. And the coming November 2020 election ain't gonna fix it.


Contemplating the Lesser Evil (in November) is akin to counting angels atop a pinhead.


With the culturally operative word being — pinheads.



The moral? — Two huge groups of predatory louts — are muck-wrestling the United States into oblivion


And We the People are looking on, as if this is (or should be) normal human behavior.


Makes one wonder about the odds of the American species' survival.