A nation of fascistic law?

© 2018 Peter Free


09 March 2018



We live in an oppressive legal system — that's getting worse every day


I write this as an ex-cop and Constitutionally aware attorney.


Let's start with at an obvious, but usually unrecognized place.


Why should it be a crime to lie to the Feds, but not to local police (or anyone else for that matter)?





Are the Feds just better?


More godlike?


More just?


More honorable?




More productively educated?


Less prone to lying and "colored" person sniping?



Analytical step two


What do you think special counsel Robert Mueller is most reliant upon for putting teeth into his transparently partisan-political inquiry into the Trump Administration's alleged Puppet Dance?





Lying to Feds.


Yes, that (ethically speaking) non-crime.


Presumably, a free citizen ought to be able to lie to whomever she and he wants.


Otherwise, we would be confessing all manner of trivial and not so trivial wrong-doing. The Fascist State could implicate us whenever it wished, simply by asking questions that we would have to lie about in order to evade the Totalitarian Gang's imposed value system.


The Fifth Amendment doesn't protect us against much.


As soon as we drag "the Fifth" in, everyone knows that we did whatever we're accused of.


Knowledge that "we did it" is a gift to law enforcement:



We got the right guy.


Let's dig just enough to hammer the sucker for lying to us.


That saves us the work of actually proving that he and she did what we think they did.



The gulag network


Here, I'm referring to our alleged "criminal justice system."


The one that we have imposed to keep the Untermensch (that handy German word) down.


Chris Hedges recently observed that:



The number of crimes, especially on the federal level, that people can be charged with has exploded. There were once only three named federal criminal acts: treason, piracy and counterfeiting. Today there are thousands.


The law as an instrument of morality at the state and federal levels has been deformed into an instrument of racialized social control.


It imposes legal duties on the poor and then imprisons them for not carrying out those duties.


For example, if someone in the room where the drug dealer was killed had immediately called the police and reported the crime, a virtual death sentence in a poor community, he or she would be exonerated. Refuse to call and you get charged with murder.


Even the courts don’t pretend that many of those with murder convictions actually carried out a homicide.


If someone wants to file an appeal, it costs $100,000. Poor people don’t have access to that kind of money.


The court system collapse now afflicting the poor is working its way like gangrene up the body of the judiciary.


Violence is increasingly the only tool left to a discredited corporate state and its bankrupt ideology of unfettered capitalism.


What is being done to the poor will soon be done to all of us.


© Chris Hedges, Legalizing Tyranny, TruthDig (04 March 2018) (resequenced extracts)



Enter special counsel Robert Mueller as proof


Robert Mueller's legally ridiculous pursuit of alleged Russian Puppet Trump and his White Boy Minions is an example of the no longer race-only-based extrapolation that Hedges points to.


Do we really think that other American presidential administrations have not been guilty of similar kinds of influence peddling, either before or after "their guy" got his mitts on power?


Isn't this Mueller BS really just about having my guy — rather than your guy — in power?



Hidden behind all this is — America's trashed Fourth Amendment


The strategically idiotic War on Drugs weakened the Fourth Amendment with our often Constitution-defying judiciary's eager help.


More of the Fourth was butchered after 9/11's Patriot Act.


Today, Behemoth Government can:



electronically spy on you all day,


find something that it knows you'll lie about,


turn you into a weaseling snitch,


or shovel you off to the pen (instead) —


or even "disappear" you to some nasty-nasty place hidden in another country


you being now in unhappy company with all those other previously designated Untermensches.



OMG, you mean we're next?


Sadly, most heretofore privileged folk are not prescient enough to recognize that our avarice-inspired System may gobble them, also.


This complacently fortunate group continues to fuel the slaughter of human and Constitutional rights. Past the point of making themselves vulnerable to Big Brother's values-cleansing gulag.


You can imagine what some of President Trump's previously anointed holies are thinking now that fascism's Mueller-gloved hand has snatched them up.



The moral? — Wake up, suckers


Your happy ass gonna be in a sling, too.




Maybe even tomorrow.


And then you're going to have to use up lots of your own money to evade the Hell that those (alleged) Untermensches have to sit in every day.