More BS from "special counsel" Robert Mueller — and his Deep State handlers — timed to sabotage President Trump's Putin meeting

© 2018 Peter Free


16 July 2018



Special counsel Robert Mueller just "indicted" 12 purported Russian agents . . .


. . . for 2016's US election meddling.


He did so right before President Trump was set to meet with Russian Federation President Putin in Finland. More on that later.


I put the word "indicted" in quotes because Mueller knows that nothing legally and politically inconvenient for him, or his Deep State handlers, is going to come of this.


Mueller's Minions will never have to submit court-worthy proof of anything.


The Special Counsel's grandstanding is politically manipulative bullshit. I say this because:



Federal indictments are ludicrously easy to produce. Virtually no evidence is required. Hence the oft-heard dictum that the feds can "indict a ham sandwich" for any crime.


Second, the defendants are Russian and not subject to extradition. Consequently, Mueller need not fear that they will show up in American court. If they did, Mueller would have to cope with (a) their demands for "discovery" (a legal process) and (b) later, the court-required production of convincing evidence.


Third, even if the Russians had meddled in the 2016 election — and they probably did — Mueller will never be required to show that their illegal intrusion(s) actually mattered to the outcome.



Convenient, no?


Stir the pot to favor war (by undercutting the Trump-Putin summit) at no cost to oneself.


Importantly lost in Mueller's carefully crafted illusions, are the facts that:



(a) the ostensibly Russia-hacked information revealed Democratic Party wrong-doing —


more than it did


(b) any nefarious Russian plot to puppetize then pre-President Trump.



Destructively Machiavellian politics


From the Deep State's self-profiting perspective, we cannot have an erratic American President (Trump) coming up with a way to deescalate the Deep State's manufactured anti-Russian tensions.


What would the Military Industrial Complex do without its paranoid "end of the world" concoctions?


Mueller's theatrically timed release of the twelve (essentially meaningless) indictments of Russian agents was timed to cast the two involved presidents in a bad light.


Mueller's pre-summit announcement (almost certainly) intentionally hamstrung efforts that both leaders might have made to deescalate the possibility of war.


This timing is the key to understanding the raw political malevolence that fostered Mueller's investigation in the first place.


Recall too, in thinking about the subtleties, that the United States' cultural core is owned by the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).


The MIC has only one purpose: fomenting armed conflict and the conditions for it. The Complex owns American politics and most of American leadership to that end.


If you think otherwise, you have not been paying attention to the last sixty-some years of US history.



The moral? — So much for Robert Mueller's allegedly high personal and legal ethics


Much as I abhor the majority of President Trump's behavior in leadership, I more detest unelected Deep State and Military Industrial Complex manipulations of policy and perception.


Better to have humanity's enemies in plain sight.