Moral cowardice — a requirement for achieving high-ranking American leadership — the case of Colin Powell

© 2021 Peter Free


20 October 2021



Former four star — and subsequent Secretary of State — Colin Powell has died


And now he's Propaganda's newest saint, despite the fact that he knowingly lied to the world — from his prestigious position as the United States first 'black' Secretary of State — so as to begin the American killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis.


That's quite a 'blot' on his record, as Powell himself termed it.


In spite of this dance with the Devil, Powell is now praised to the skies as a good example of a worthy — and happily 'black' — achiever.



The moral? — In any reasoned book of moral values . . .


. . . Colin Powell is just as much an egregiously evil slimeball as Bush 2, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz and the rest of the limitless herd of similarly Satanic people that the United States continually vomits into power.


In any legitimately just society, there should be no moral redemption for mass murderers, who could have prevented (or stopped) a slaughter — but chose not to — so as to preserve their position in America's wealth-grabbing hierarchy.


The fact that American society routinely praises these gutlessly nasty folk says something abysmally noxious about our population, as well.


Martin Luther King Jr was correct when he said that militaristic imperialism — and by implication, the people who run it — are America's chief sin.


On the one hand, King.


On the other, Powell.


Both 'black'.


Pick one as a conveyor of appropriate soul and spine.