"Maybe I can inspire the person that can" — IED casualty and war photographer, Giles Duley's words

© 2021 Peter Free


29 March 2021



Proportionately, there are not many of us . . .


. . . speaking out against Forever War and the evils that the imperialistic American Plutocracy initiate.



But there are a few


Eloquently so, for instance, IED blast casualty, triple amputee and war photographer, Giles Duley:



LADbibleTV, Photos of The World's Most Dangerous Places, Minutes with [Giles Duley], YouTube (25 October 2021)



Duley closed the above video clip . . .


. . . with the words:



You know, someone asked me once, "Do you think you can change the world with your photographs?"


And I said — "No. But maybe I can inspire the person that can."



In the United States, the people "that can" — don't


Every president from the beginnings of the Vietnam War on, has been a war criminal. Every one.


And every combatant commander and every Congress — who aided these presidents and the Military Industrial Complex with their war 'criminaling' — has been also.



Cultural evil's banality lies exactly in how easily we . . .


. . . bury "who can change the world" questions beneath rampaging Avarice and unempathic Dross.



The moral? — You want to know why I hold decades of American leadership in hostile contempt?


Giles Duley implied the only answer that matters:



The ones who can, don't.


On purpose.



We kill, maim and starve other people's kids for profit.