Lunacy in a nutshell — Biden's regime is on a Stalinist roll

© 2021 Peter Free


06 February 2021



"Brain-Addled" Joe Biden gets to make the call?


Let's see . . .


Joe's first act was to park the National Guard in DC "indefinitely":



announcedly so as to resist


potential violence —


the nature of which


our Imperial Government is keeping secret


(because, of course, that violence doesn't much exist)


this "Don't Tell No One" military operational plan existing




so as to paradoxically ensure


that the Public will intuit


(on the basis of no evidence)


that Government's forecasted


(imaginary and hallucinated)


killing and maiming


(which the National Guard is presumably guarding us against)


must be


a real thing.



Joe's second act was to have the Department of Homeland Security announce that Trump voters are coddling hordes and hordes of Al Qaeda-like "domestic violent extremists" — and Government is (impliedly) gonna hunt them down and kill them — or something.


And now, Joe is saying that Toddling Donny cannot receive the courtesy, ex-president intelligence briefings that every one of his recent predecessors has received — just because Trump is too "erratic" to be trusted not to spill — whatever (usually fake) beans the Deep State generates on a daily basis.



Do you detect a pattern?


Sounds Stalinist to me.


I'm waiting for purges, disappearances and torture buildings to arrive.





Being a thoughtful student of world history has its disadvantages.


Who for, I'm not sure.



The moral? — The Democratic Party herd in DC is even more totalitarian than . . .


. . . its Trump (Republican) predecessor regime.


And, sadly, much of Brainless America seems to think that Biden's (Deep State-sponsored) "out of control operation" is a good thing.




Is Paul Revere's ghost getting ready to ride yet?