Lingering fart in the room (Toddling Donny) sounds off again — this time about Afghanistan

© 2021 Peter Free


16 August 2021



Forgive my rudeness


Some Adam Henrys need to be called out.



Afghanistan withdrawal, says former President Trump . . .


. . . would have gone better under his tutelage.


Considering that Trump could not even get the withdrawal emphatically started, much less completed — over his own military's conniving obstruction — that seems to be a laughably questionable claim.



For four years


President Trump sat around playing golf, promising great things, repetitively dying himself orange and voluminously passing the figurative equivalent of verbal ass gas in public.


Suddenly, toward the end of his reign, he pretended to get serious about Afghanistan.


He then managed to so mess up his long-proposed withdrawal process, that it was clear to anyone — who was paying attention — that the Torched Trumpster did not even have enough clout to get his own Generals to follow their Commander in Chief's orders.



The moral? — Face it, Orange Boy . . .


Your day in the Power Sun is over.


Narcissistically lazy incompetents become no better with age. Every day, a trace more American voters detect Decomposing Donny's whiny stink.