Let's all be COVID hysterical together — and join figurative lemmings in plunging off cliffs — that we've built with our tiny paws
© 2021 Peter Free
03 January 2021
Are you tired of COVID "authorities" and the Lamestream yet?
This morning, some of American television media were babbling about Britain's world-traveling, allegedly more contagious "new" COVID strain.
This gallivanting virus type is supposedly wringing COVID-impregnated southern California's already feeble neck.
The Lamestream announcement (of course) is based on no evidence. No one over here has been tracking who gets which SARS-CoV-2 strain and in what populational proportions.
Nevertheless, such fundamental forms of ignorance do not stop American leadership from running around like frenzied chicken-brains wearing Nazi suits.
And then . . .
I read that Britain's delusion-drinking top brass have decided to mix COVID vaccination types — on an emergency basis — for the first and second doses of what should have been one type.
Even the least capable kid in class would know that, unless both vaccinations produce the same target protein (for the body to attack), this vaccination plan will approach uselessness — and arguably waste both doses of these still difficult-to-get vaccines.
There's a proud plan for Happy Health Prosperity.
The moral? — If the culture has Anglo-Saxon origins . . .
. . . it is, apparently, doomed to be led by idiots.
Happy New Year.
Can Asia's obviously smarter people come help us, please?
Save the Anglo-Saxs for the planet's first Failed Intelligence Zoo.
Y'all could charge admission to cover your costs.