Have you noticed how the least governmentally competent — most soul-deficient people — rise to power in the United States?

© 2018 Peter Free


24 March 2018



Reading tea leaves and national character


Warmongerer extraordinaireJohn Bolton — is to become National Security Advisor.


With Bolton's appointment, Donnie "Tantrum" Little Boy has completed his triumvirate of immoral cretin picks for high office.


"Triumvirate" here including the two pending appointments of:



Mike "Kill Everybody" Pompeo at State




Gina "Torture Everything that Moves" Haspel at the CIA.



These people . . .


. . . are so unethically extreme that one has to wonder how US culture repeatedly pops them, and their ilk, into prominence.



They are, in character, the same kind of folk who crucified Jesus


And it was not President Trump who kept their miserable careers alive long after their penchants for imperialistic immorality emerged.


Our human pollutants swim repeatedly around the national toilet bowl and are never flushed.


What is lacking is a national will toward historical self-reflection. As well as a comparably determined one toward national self-rectification.


Mildly akin, perhaps, to those Germany and Japan underwent (with outside assistance) after World War II.



The moral? — We should, one can infer, take a full gander at our morally lame asses


When arrogance, avarice, ignorance, stupidity and the need to dominate combine — those being our (arguably) most defining national traits — truth, accuracy and decency are squashed.


With us, it is always someone else's fault.


Whether those "bad guys" be (as currently) Russians, Islamists, Iranians, Chinese, Latin Americans or Africans.


Or whoever else manages to tumble (without reason or justice) into our limitless bin of concocted enemies.


Never us. Never our own violent transgressions against the supposedly Christian standards that we claim to represent.


John Bolton!


What a splendid indicator of the United States' hypocritically hidden character is he.