Lamestream Axios nitwit — Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian — smeared The Grayzone, without a bit of evidence

© 2020 Peter Free


12 August 2020



An example of low-life propaganda


This one comes from Axios.


Axios aimed it at The Grayzone.



For those who do not know


The Grayzone is a non-mainstream news site that tries to find what is going on behind the scenes.


Its truth-finding mission, of course, threatens the perpetually propagandizing American Oligarchy. As well as its plutocratically controlled Deep State.


Axios, on the other hand, is arguably funded by some of the Masters of Wealth.


You may have noticed that Axios had enough Lamestream clout to get President Trump to interview with them.


Naturally (we can infer) Axios hires people who have the appropriate Robber Baron-behind-kissing credentials.


Axios reporter Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian — who becomes our Subject of Evility today — appears to be one of those Oligarchist lick-tonguey slobberers.



Here is what Ms. Allen-Ebrahimian published yesterday . . .


. . . under Axios' aegis:



A website called The Grayzone has made a name for itself by denying China's campaign of cultural and demographic genocide in Xinjiang.


Why it matters: Chinese government officials and state media outlets are citing The Grayzone and its contributors with growing frequency as Beijing attempts to cast doubt on accusations of atrocities in its far Northwest region.


The Chinese government is increasingly adopting Russia's disinformation playbook . . . .


© 2020 Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, The American blog pushing Xinjiang denialism, Axios (11 August 2020)



Because Bimbo-Bethany doesn't produce any evidence (at all) that The Grayzone is wrong . . .


. . . about the Uyghur situation in Xinjiang — she has to stoop to saying that other people are mad at the publication.


Her list of those is confined to just one, US congressional Representative Michael McCaul (Republican from Texas).


If you're not laughing at that, you're not paying attention:



Republican and from Texas?


Obviously unbiased.



Apparently seeing a dead end there, Ms. Allen-Ebrahimian traipses off into trying to append "authoritative" names to her allegation that Russia and China are both disinforming the innocents of the world.


That list doubles to two:



Laura Rosenberger, director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States




Darren Byler, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for Asian Studies.



You can tell that Bethany was on the phone all day and night, probably for a whole week, digging up persuasive sources for her blandly advanced smear.



That's the entirety of Axios' purported proof


Absent the provision of any evidence, I have to conclude that Axios thinks that The Grayzone is bad — solely because —their reporter casually tossed the names, China and Russia, into her hit piece.


Propaganda using propaganda to support its pretended proof.


Now, there's a towering reportorial intellectual capacity on display.


We certainly could indict Ms. Allen-Ebrahimian and Axios for being evilly "banal" in Hannah Arendt's proposed sense.



The moral? —  Avarice and stupidity gang up to become the deadliest of sins


"Bimbo" Bethany and Axios (apparently proudly) parade both.