Joys of insightful sarcasm — Michael McCaffrey, writing for RT

© 2018 Peter Free


31 July 2018



Taking aim at high-powered dumbshits can be fun . . .


. . . even when our "adversaries" do it about us.


Michael McCaffrey, writing in pro-Russian RT, briefly addressed the Trump-Putin Helsinki uproar in the United States:



The truth is that Anderson Cooper, John Brennan and Captain America Chris Evans . . . inhabit different wings of the . . . American propaganda machine that has no interest in hearing differing or nuanced viewpoints and has its heart set on demonizing and castrating Russia.


Chris Evans, the actor who plays Captain America . . . who is the perfect representation of America because he is so boyishly handsome, ridiculously muscular, emotionally infantile and staggeringly empty-headed, tweeted of Trump:



Shame on anyone who chooses to ignore Russia’s interference in our democracy for the sake of Trump’s political well-being. I’m at a complete loss.



[H]e followed up by tweeting:



This moron, puppet, coward sided with Putin over our own intelligence agencies! On a world stage!! BASED ON NOTHING MORE THAN PUTIN’S WORD! Why?? Can ANYONE answer that?? . . . . Politics aside, this is 100% un-American.



Captain America’s logic is pristine… how could anyone in their right mind dare to question America’s saintly intelligence community about their limited and still evidence-free “assessment” that Russia interfered in the American election?


Sure, the American intelligence agencies were



asleep at the wheel on 9/11,


wrong about WMDs in Iraq,


ran a secret rendition and torture program,


spied on American citizens, international allies and the US Congress,




then lied and perjured themselves about all of the above in order to cover their backsides…



but when it comes to what happened in the 2016 election, we should totally take their word for it!


© Michael McCaffrey, Captain America savages Trump in battle of the useful idiots, RT (23 July 2018) (resequenced and reformatted for clarity)



Admit it


That's cleverly funny — even if it is as biased as our own renditions (with regard to Russian election meddling).



The moral? — Zinging accuracy can trigger smiles of sheepish self-recognition


McCaffrey's short observation put me in mind of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's often slyly delivered diplomatic wit.


We Americans would be strategically more successful, had we equal talent for accurately sizing (our usually self-inflicted) opponents.