In the United States, emoting dullards run back and forth — for pay

© 2021 Peter Free


10 June 2021



A more absurd country would be hard to construct


Emoting dullards have taken America over.


Apparently, with our slovenly lazy permission.



Consider (for instance) this emblematic fool . . .


. . . prominently displaying himself in some of our more astutely delivered news:



As Marxist critical race theory (CRT) continues its march through the institutions, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association published a paper warning about the “malignant, parasitic-like” condition of “Whiteness.”


The article’s author, Donald Moss, M.D., argued that the condition of “Whiteness” is not the same thing as “whiteness” as a marker of racial identity, but his article arguably furthers the CRT demonization of the roots of Western society.


“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility.


"The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world.


"Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse,” Moss, a New York City doctor and chair of the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Program Committee, wrote in the abstract of the paper entitled “On Having Whiteness.”


The “deformed appetites” of “Parasitic Whiteness” “particularly target nonwhite peoples.


Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate,” Moss warned in the abstract.


“Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions.”


© 2021 Tyler O'Neil, 'Whiteness' Is 'a Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition' Creating 'Deformed Appetites,' Journal Warns, PJ Media (09 June 2021)



Notice how absurdly 'Dr' Moss declines to equate skin color with "Whiteness".


Yet, what he says absolutely relies upon that asserted paleness of skin and the context within which that absence of melanin operates.


If such a display of mental self-evasion is not enough to convince you that the psychoanalyzing 'Dr' Moss is incapable of soundly applied Reason, I will have lost all hope for your own mental abilities.


(This confidence in my own analytical ability probably makes me a prominent sample of the Whiteness Condition that Moss describes — at least in his own apparently tenuous mind.)



Or take these two (Dr. Moss-imitating) people-parrots


Oh my gosh:



A white teacher who taught Spanish has decided, after struggling and grappling “with my internalized white supremacy,” that it is racist for a white person to teach a language of color.


To make amends she cancelled herself.


Others speaking at the “Virtual Women’s and Gender Studies Conference” argued that white teachers should teach in white schools and black teachers should teach in black schools.


It was only yesterday that what today poses as “anti-racism” was considered racist segregation.


© 2021 Paul Craig Roberts, The Western World Has Repudiated Itself, Unz Review (10 June 2021)



Then, there's the following . . .


. . . (even more societally prominent) display of pointed foolishness from Congress.


Notice, at the outset, the Times' intentionally slanted reporting:



Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia said on Sunday in no uncertain terms that he would not vote for the Democrats’ far-reaching bill to combat voter suppression, nor would he ever end the legislative filibuster, a written promise that imperils much of President Biden’s agenda.


The bill, which all the other Senate Democrats had supported and the party had portrayed as an urgent effort to preserve American democracy, would roll back dozens of laws being passed by Republican state legislatures to limit early and mail-in voting and empower partisan poll watchers. The measure, known as the For the People Act, would also restore many of the ethical controls on the presidency that Donald J. Trump shattered.


The 818-page bill would end partisan gerrymandering, tighten controls on campaign spending and ease voter registration. It would also force major-party candidates for president and vice president to release 10 years’ worth of personal and business tax returns and end the president’s and vice president’s exemption from conflict-of-interest rules, which allowed Mr. Trump to maintain businesses that profited off his presidency.


© 2021 Jonathan Weisman, Manchin Vows to Block Democratic Voting Rights Bill and Preserve Filibuster, New York Times (06 June 2021)



So, let's see:



It's all Donald Trump's fault.


He may as well be the Devil (or worse).


And therefore, we absolutely need to reverse the American states' right to control their own voting so that Not-Trumps can always win.


Because Trumpists are like bedbugs, aren't they?


Plus consider this added tidbit. With a laughably mind-chasing Prez now in charge, we require 818 densely packed pages of — probably hard to follow and enforce — legal nonsense, so as to accomplish all the above (allegedly noble) goals.


This obtusely displayed legal verbosity occurring, even without knowing — for sure — what really was in those Bad States' allegedly vote-suppressing statutes.


Because, according to current American culture, facts 'ain't shit'.


And why would anyone bother to find out what the Truth might have been?


Or invest the energy into doing something workably wise for our so obviously fragmenting nation?



Then, there's the American military . . .


. . . (that Bastion or Something or Other) which is now more concerned with:



(a) achieving equal justice


for the extreme biological fringes


of the Gaussian distribution of human characteristics —


than it is with


(b) actually doing its assigned national defense job.



Every day . . .


. . . more and more of this nation-destroying pestilence goose-steps itself in front of us.


As a once-historian, I cannot recall another (allegedly mighty) nation acting with such crazy-minded abandon, so routinely.


Even the Romans allegedly drowned themselves in hedonistic abandon, rather than in our even more vigorously braindead form of national suicide.


Americans have turned Mandated Idiocy into an art form.



The moral? — Fill your hankie with tears . . .


. . . and prepared to be carted away by the Hysterical Imbeciles, who so frenetically surround us.


At this point, Toddling Donny's "shithole" countries look pretty darn good in comparison.


Is shithole-ness something for us to aspire to?


Imagine that.