"If I don't steal it, someone else is going to steal it" — Zionist Israel's immoral disgustingness

© 2021 Peter Free


25 May 2021



Is it Zionists' whiny, self-righteous, oil-oozing, implacable covetousness that floats to the top?


Look at the (ripple-porky) Israel-sponsored wannabe home-stealer in the below video, reportedly Jacob Fauci.


Especially compared to the slender, homeowning Palestinian woman, Mona al-Kurd.


Then tell me that the wannabe thief's unctuous, self-righteous rolls of pretended negotiating fat — are not the perfect visual embodiment of Expansionist Zionism's cancerous nature:



© 2021 AJ+, If I Don’t Steal [Your Home] Someone Else Will’ Israeli Settler Justifies Forcible Takeover, Al Jazeera (05 May 2021)



Notice also, a critically important point


Monal al-Kurd refers to the negotiating thief by his name, Yakub (Jacob) in a humane tone.


He, in turn, treats her like an inconvenient object.



Who is this "Yakub"?


Here, the United States' conspiring tentacles become visibly involved:



VICE has managed to snag an interview with Jacob Fauci, a Jewish New Yorker from Long Island who went viral for telling a Palestinian woman complaining about him stealing her home that "If I don't steal it someone else is going to steal it."


On Wednesday, VICE released a piece with both Fauci and the woman having her home stolen in Sheikh Jarrah [an East Jerusalem neighborhood].


Fauci told VICE he was "chosen" by a US-based group, Nahalat Shimon International, to occupy the home and "make sure that this neighborhood is not lost in any future peace deal."


Fauci said that whether he or a "giraffe" or a "monkey" lives in the house Palestinians are "not coming back into this house ever."


"Since the 1990's, right-wing settler organization Nahalat Shimon International has vigorously fought for the eviction of Sheikh Jarrah's Palestinian residents, and the subsequent replacement of them with groups of Israeli settlers," Mondoweiss reported earlier this month.


"So far, the group has been successful in every one of their endeavors in the neighborhood, and with the backing of the Israeli district court and full support of the Israeli authorities, have displaced more than 67 Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah, and continue to seek the imminent displacement of around 87 more," Mondoweiss continued.


© 2021 Chris Menahan, VICE Interviews American-Israeli Settler Jacob Fauci Of "If I Don't Steal It Someone Else Is Going To" Fame, Information Liberation (24 May 2021)



We see that ethical putridity . . .


. . . embraces the Zionist-sponsoring United States, as well as the entirety of Israel.


For those who wonder how badly this 'Alliance in Soul Corruption' is probably going to work out for the (usually strategically idiotic) United States, consider the following:



Col. Lawrence Wilkerson [once chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell] argues that American one-sided support for Israel is a danger to the region and U.S. interests.


He says the U.S. should withdraw militarily from the Middle East and end support for Israel and Saudi Arabia. Doing so would encourage regional compromise, not war.



© 2021 theAnalysis-news, Wilkerson - Is Israel a Strategic Asset or Liability?, YouTube (24 May 2021)



The moral? — In the short AJ+ video, Israel's ethical unworthiness is concisely depicted


Remember that these are the same Zionist guys, who perpetually remind us of the Holocaust.


They think that, if we recall the horrors of the Shoah, we will overlook the similarly motivated one that Zionists have been creating ever since. Inside every one of these vicious Zionist creeps, sits a reincarnated Nazi.


Curious how that worked out.


It as if the world possesses an irreducible quotient of Evil that gets recycled through each generation. The moral ineducability of Humanity appears to be the recurring theme.


And by the way, Jacob — in my yard, existence arsonist that you are — you'd likely become a mound of dead meat.


And y'all wonder why Hamas is the way it is.