How is Lend Lease going to help an already economically devastated Ukraine?
© 2022 Peter Free
10 May 2022
Typical American behavior
From Dave DeCamp:
President Biden on Monday signed a bill into law reviving the World War II-era lend-lease program for Ukraine, paving the way for an escalation in US military aid to Kyiv.
The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 allows Biden to send weapons to Ukraine free of charge while technically requiring payment at a later date.
Under the lend-lease act during World War II, the US sent billions of dollars in weapons to the Soviet Union, China, Britain, and other allies.
The legislation received massive bipartisan support in Congress, passing by voice vote in the Senate and by a vote of 417-10 in the House, with only Republicans voting against the bill.
© 2022 Dave DeCamp, Biden Signs Bill Reviving World War II-Era Lend-Lease Program to Ukraine, AntiWar (09 May 2022)
Do tell me
What are those Ukrainians:
who are left
(in their shrunken and economically even more impoverished future land)
after this Proxy War
(which the United States created on purpose)
has finished . . .
. . . going to repay us with?
The moral? — If there is death and devastation to be caused . . .
. . . and later harvested for the Imperial Pillage Bank — the US will do it.
Notice that almost everybody in Congress voted for the Lend Lease plan. Evidently because, culturally speaking, we are all blood-sucking Adam Henrys.
In short, the US is too schemingly self-involved to fight for World Domination ourselves:
so we're going to proxy Ukrainians to death instead
and then
(for good and happy measure)
levy a Survivors' Tax upon
whichever among them manage to avoid the Death and Dismemberment
that we deliberately set into motion.
Furthermore, recognize that we US taxpayers are paying for all this now. Even if (by some miracle) Ukraine eventually pays it all back. Because by that time, none of this money will ever be ever refunded back to us, or credited toward a future tax cut for the American Rabble that (hopefully still) exists in that distant future.