How does searingly nasty behavior like Ralph Northam's in 1984 — not get discovered until now?

© 2019 Peter Free


02 February 2019



"Piling on" is usually unwarranted, but . . .


In this case, maybe not.



You may have heard about the youthfully bigoted (governor of the state of Virginia) Ralph Northam


But you may not have seen the photograph documenting his inner nastiness in 1984.


Click on this link (and scroll down) to get the full impression.



The picture depicted there . . .


. . . shows a black-faced white guy (dressed in caricaturized black man clothing) standing next to someone in full Klan regalia.


The latter outfit completes itself with a white shroud and pointy white Klan hood-hat.



This is enough to make those of us, once resident in that part of the country, shudder


Even in 1984, that kind of thing would have been outrageous.


That the Klan and blackface picture showed up in a medical school yearbook makes Nordham's "taste" doubly questionable.


Toss in the fact that he expressed an interest in pediatrics (in the photo's caption), and you have a possibly legitimate suspicion that Northam might be a scoundrel.


To take this profession-embarrassing cretin's full measure — read the idiotic quotation that accompanies the Klan-Blackface photograph:



There are more old drunks than old doctors in this world so I think I'll have another beer.



Meaning that, in 1984, Northam preferred to be a long-lived drunken physician, rather than a shorter-lived competent one.


Is there anything on the soul's scale of virtue that the youthful Ralph Northam did not manage to abuse?


If the medical school that I went to (only a few years later) had seen this garbage, Northam would have been immediately out on his ass.



The moral? — American politics misses this stuff because the United States is an intrusively bigoted nation


Northam made it into the Virginia governorship, despite having previously and unshyly demonstrated that he is undeserving of coming anywhere near that office or your child's medical needs.


The fact that Northam is a Democrat makes our innate American racism even more obvious.


Evidently, the "minority-identity-is-good" political party missed the fact that African-Americans are people too.


How revealing.