Half-Mast — Reminders of War in a Time of National Forgetfulness

© 2011 Peter Free


10 June 2011



Symbols in wind


Half-masted flags catch the eye.  Silently useful communications in an age of unceasing and mostly superficial noise.


Yesterday, the Air Force Academy’s flags were at half-staff in tribute to 44-year old Major Philip Ambard, a USAFA languages professor, killed during deployment in Afghanistan.


Ambard’s admirable effort to become who he was, after emigrating to the United States from Venezuela at age 12, serves as a reminder of the incalculable harm occasioned by strategically senseless wars.





Wisdom evaluates costs and gains before embarking onto battlefields.


That is a calculation that has been mostly lacking in deciding the United States’ militaristic foreign endeavors for the last 49 years.