Had EPA head Pruitt remained a "presentable" fascist — he could have stayed in authority

© 2018 Peter Free


05 July 2018



Oh Scott, what an arrogantly stupid prick you were


Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt — arguably one of the vilest federal agency heads ever — resigned under pressure generated by his comparatively trivial abuses of the privileges of office.


This — rather than having been forced out, due to having diametrically reversed the EPA's sole legal purpose for existing.


People were irate because the malevolent simpleton took distatesful advantage of unwarranted perks of office. But no one (notably influential) seemed volubly upset that he had essentially obliterated the environmentally protective purpose of the agency that he was insidiously appointed to lead.


Appearance in the United States is key. Substance matters virtually not at all.


Illusion and delusion are our proudest products.



The moral? — If you are a "seemly" fascist, the United States will consistently leave you in planet-obliterating power


We like our government and corporate leeches to exercise their defining corruptions out of sight. Our system is set up to serve marginally decorous parasites. Emphasize your (pretended) presentability and you will be granted free access to undisturbedly loot the Rabble's well-being.


In seeing this cultural trait repeatedly proven, it notably escapes most of us — just how easily the entire governmental apparatus can wildly shift purpose, regardless of majority will. As fondly remembered Prick Pruitt so easily demonstrated.