After gaining control of the US House of Representatives — expect another tide of Democratic Party nonsense

© 2018 Peter Free


08 November 2018



The American Democratic Party stands for the proposition that . . .


One can never be too stupid to become more so.


You may have noticed that Democratic candidates generally ran against President Trump and his minions, rather than for platforms of well-articulated, societally constructive propositions.


As a partial consequence of this characteristic airheadedness, not much dramatic happened.


No blue wave. Just an arguably predictable "midterm rebound" of the House of Representatives into Democratic control.


Now that the tediously tiresome Nancy Pelosi is back in charge of the House, more of the same Donkey Dope uselessness will (almost certainly) continue:



House Democrats are prepared to open multiple investigations of President Trump when they take control in January but are wary of immediately pursuing impeachment . . . .


Though they have not determined precisely which investigations to launch when they take the majority next year, Democrats are expected to scrutinize Trump administration policies on immigration, education and health care, and to examine his personal finances and potential connections to Russia.


© 2018  Karoun Demirjian, Tom Hamburger and Gabriel Pogrund, Newly empowered, House Democrats plan to launch immediate investigations of Trump, Washington Post (07 November 2018)



For these powerful pinheads, no horse is too dead to continue to beat.



Consider, for example, "special counsel" Robert Mueller's silly investigation


Justin Raimondo succinctly synopsized the lamentable Mueller-Deep State concocted treason:



After all the screaming headlines and hysterical talk of “treason,” the Russia-gate hoax was almost entirely absent from the midterms.


One would think that the other party being in the hands of a ruthless foreign dictator who has it in for America would be a major campaign issue – that is, if the Democrats actually believed their own propaganda.


However, we’ve seen neither hide nor hair of Putin in all those campaign ads, or at least hardly a glance: that’s because Russia-gate has always been a fraud, a setup, and really a criminal conspiracy to take down a sitting US President on the basis of a gigantic lie.


As the promulgators of that lie are exposed – the Deep State amalgam that includes foreign intelligence agencies as well as Trump’s domestic opponents – Democrats are backing away from what has suddenly become, for them, a very messy narrative.


For what has happened is that the narrative has turned on them, and now implicates them in a massive scheme to embroil the Trump campaign in a web of foreign influencers.


Russia-gate proves to be a mirage and Robert Mueller continues to produce a bunch of low-level indictments that have nothing to do with Russian “collusion.”


© 2018 Justin Raimondo, Whatever Happened to the Russia-gate ‘Scandal’?, (05 November 2018) (paragraphs split)



Drag in a related thought, as well


After two years of "investigation" — had Mueller been operating in good faith, wouldn't he have made a wrapping up announcement — (pro or con the President's Administration) — some time before the 2018 midterm elections?


Thus, allowing voters to reject some of the purportedly Russian Puppet's rascals?


But no. Not a peep.


The anti-Trump conspiracy's goal was, instead, to continue meddling behind the scenes — so as to keep the President and his supporters dangling on Permanent Suspicion's rope.



We have now seen what happened to that malevolently stupid strategy


Strengthened Republican control of the Senate.


Where power to control the federal judiciary exclusively resides.



Which will have more impact in the long run?


Democratic Party control of an intrusively meddling House?


Or Republican grasp of the Senate and the Supreme Court?


Point to President Trump and Evil Turtleman.



The moral? —The Party of the Slightly Lesser Beelzebub — continually parades its lack of moral and political sense


Democrats' Nancy Pelosi-Chuck Schumer "leadership" duo perfectly exemplifies the organization's soul-lacking character.


What remains to be seen is whether a significant portion of the American public has the gumption to replace this weaselly crew with competing (third party) leaders of legitimate substance.


Dream on . . .