Which comes first — flushing our lunacy-prone selves — or destroying much of the world before that last swirl?

© 2018 Peter Free


15 March 2018



'Gotta' wonder what's in American Kool-Aid


We started our latest cult binge with the exaggerated rumor that Vlad the Destroyer had elected and puppetized President Donald Trump.


Now, we're on to the fantasy that the Russians killed an ex-spy with an exotic poison, evidently the last in a long string of such motivation-lacking incidents.


Yes, our ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley is claiming — against available evidence (as well contrary to any reasonable semblance of sensible Russian motivation) — that the Russians supported Syria's use of nerve gas, as well as itself nerve gassing ex-spy Sergei Skripal (and his daughter, Yulia) just this week.


Clearly (we must infer), Russians are evil, evil, evil.


Ribbon-bestowing this fine package of blooming American idiocy — President Trump just put a maniac in charge of the State Department, along with boosting a reportedly cover-up torturer to head the CIA.



Of all this


Geopolitical analyst "the Saker" says (accurately, I think):



[A]n Empire built (and maintained) on lies, accepted on the basis ignorance, justified by hypocrisy and energized by hysterics.


Truly, the Orwellian slogans of 1984 “war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength” perfectly fit our world.


© 2018 The Saker, When Dealing with a Bear, Hubris Is Suicidal, Unz Review (15 March 2018)



Paul Craig Roberts, another of the vanishing species of realists that once walked American soil, adds that:



President Trump has nominated a person, Gina Haspel, to be CIA Director who is deeply implicated in CIA torture and destruction of the evidence. [See here.] 


The Republicans want to confirm her as “an excellent choice.”


One assumes the feminists also favor confirmation as she is female. That she is a woman, a torturer and destroyed incriminating evidence qualifies her to be CIA Director.


Compare her treatment to General Michael Flynn’s.


Trump abandoned Flynn as National Security Advisor on a nothing charge and puts in charge of the CIA a person who the ACLU calls the “central figure in one of the most illegal and shameful chapters in modern American history” and a “war criminal.”


Washington continues to murder citizens in Trump’s “shithole countries” around the clock and is apparently preparing to do the same thing to Russians and Iranians, and where is Amnesty International?


Margaret Huang has Amnesty International on a campaign to hold Trump responsible for not supporting women’s rights. [See here.]


With the Trump regime headed to war and more war, where is the Democratic opposition?


Hillary Clinton is in India explaining that Democrats “do not do well with white men, and we don’t do well with married, white women.” [See here.]


© 2018 Paul Craig Roberts, In the Western World Insanity Reigns, Unz Review (13 March 2018)



Following false flag-attributed lunacy is challenging, I admit


We are daily inundated with one propagandized lie after another, coming from both American political parties, our executive branch, as well as the whole of the Military Industrial complex.



Think about it


Are the Russians really going around murdering people under circumstances that:



make no sense




advance the Federation's cause (however interpreted) not one whit —


even according to the accusers' own, never examined, suppositions?



The moral? — Ask the 'never fail' key question


Who profits from spreading imaginary concoctions that make no evidentiary or analytical sense?



Follow the money.


Follow who self-advances.



You will find the real devil there, hiding in obfuscation.