Fat Cats rushed to speaker-to-be Pelosi's rescue — demonstrating, again, who owns the Fake Opposition

© 2018 Peter Free


22 November 2018



A coincidence in timing amused me


No sooner had I recorded my progressive's take on the anticipated new Speaker of the House — during a handful of Democrats' pretend mini-rebellion against her:



Pelosi is an egocentric "plutocratist" — camouflaged in supposedly nurturing "Democratic" clothing.



Those same Fat Cats rushed to her rescue


Writing a letter to the House Democratic Caucus:



[W]e do believe the competence and effectiveness of the Leader is a critical component in motivating us to reach in our pockets.


On that basis it is hard to imagine a replacement for Nancy engendering the same level of confidence at this critical time.


Your recent success in winning the majority is only a first step in changing our country’s direction. As critical as it was, the coming cycle is even more so.


Inserting ourselves into internal House Politics is not something we would normally do. But if we lose Nancy, and the new Leader can only raise half the funding, the Republicans will not reduce their funding and we will be back to the structural disadvantage that prevailed for many years.



Signers included:



James Atwood

Philippe Brugere-Trelat

Jim Chanos

Mitchell Draizin

Jeff Gural

Judith Hope

Michael Kempner

Marsha Laufer

Dennis Mehiel

Karen Mehiel (see here and here)

Keith Mestrich

Dick Ravitch

Ken Sunshine

Maureen White

Leslie Williams (number 146 on this list)




The moral? — Pelosi's "for the people" camouflage melted off . . .


. . . in the warmth of those happy plutocrats' embrace.


Seems a suitable welcome for American Turkey Day.


Slang pun intended.