An Extraordinary Juxtaposition of Concisely-Delivered Brain with Rambling Stupidity — Dr. Zbigniew Brezinski’s Strategic Vision Compared to the Air-Headedness of both Political Parties’ Presidential Candidates

© 2011 Peter Free


15 September 2011



Recognition of our domestic and foreign policy peril cannot get any clearer than this


Today, in a short interview of extraordinary quality, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezinski briefly exposed the survival-threatening flaws in American society and geopolitics.



Citation (video)


(1) Note for conservatives


Despite MSNBC’s reputation for over-the-top liberalism, Morning Joe consistently presents balanced discussion from left and right political contributors.


(2) Note for the impatient


Give the interview a few seconds to shift from Brezinski’s statements about Russia and Germany to the core topics that he subsequently addresses.



Why the Morning Joe interview is important


Dr. Brezinski addressed the self-destructive stupidity of America’s strategy-lacking foreign policy in Afghanistan/Pakistan and the Middle East.


In regard to Israel and the Palestinians, he warned against American and Israeli policies that are currently isolating both in a way that cannot be sustained, if Israel is to survive.


The former National Security Advisor also warned about the unsustainability of the United States’ egregiously distorted distribution of wealth.  The rapacious irresponsibility of the top 1 percent of wealth-holders will destroy the nation.



Why the Brezinski interview serves as “juxtaposed” social commentary


After hearing Brezinki’s concise analysis, and appreciating the intelligent questions posed him by Morning Joe’s regulars, think back to what our 2012 presidential nomination candidates and Congress regularly sound like.


The differences between Dr. Brezinski and these alleged leaders in — (a) brain quality (which conservatively-oriented columnist Jennifer Rubin complained about among Republican candidates yesterday) and (b) problem-identification — are piercing.



If the United States “goes down” — it will not be because we don’t have access to quality minds and facts, it will be because we chose to ignore them


If national self-destruction does come to pass — as it seems increasingly likely it will — we will have perished by virtue of our own (apparently) incorrigible, self-indulgent, and short-sighted stupidities.


In regard to foreseeable populist cries against “elitism,” I freely state that I do not want anyone among most of my “regular guy” neighbors as President or Senator and Representative.


Instead, I want someone who (i) knows much more than most people do, (ii) recognizes Reality, and (iii) has the brainpower to come up with workable answers to obvious problems.


These leadership competence characteristics, by themselves, do not describe an obnoxious and socially remote group of abrasive elitists.  Accurate knowledge, Reality-recognition, and sound problem-solving simply describe talented people who can successfully fly the national airplane.


Dr. Brezinski’s interview highlights just how lacking these nation-nurturing leadership qualities are among our current crop of self-aggrandizing politicians.