Ex-CIA plotter John Brennan — one of Russiagate's lying authors — now implies that swaths of Americans are domestic terrorists

© 2021 Peter Free


30 January 2021



Why is that malevolent dung worm, John Owen Brennan, still out and about?


Russiagate — the insurrection-aimed Deep State ploy that the former CIA director obviously helped author in 2016 — eventually fell on its lying head.


Brennan's credibility should now be zero.


Instead, the reprehensibly fearmongering Brennan continues making his Lamestream rounds in early 2021. He is still trying to separate American society into two, literally warring, factions.



For instance


A few days ago, on national television, Brennan implied that:



the roughly half of the Trump-supporting American population




very dangerous, existentially threatening


notably terror-inclined


Al Qaeda-like cells


of wannabe mass murderers.



Here is, verbatim, what . . .


. . . Brennan told Nicolle Wallace at MSNBC.


She had asked him whether Department of Homeland Security's recent domestic terror alert was justified.


Notice Brennan's careful adherence to Deep State Speak — my comments in bracketed italics:



There are a lot of people out there, who continue to harbor these very violent aspirations.


[Meaning, by implication, your neighbors and mine.]


This threat from Domestic Violence Extremists is much more challenging, I believe, than it was in terms of going after foreign terrorists.


The Domestic Violence Extremists are much more pervasive. Their numbers are much larger.


When we were going after Al Qaeda or other types of terrorist groups' cells in the United States, their numbers were in the single digits or dozens. It was finding needles in a haystack.


Here, there are a lot of haystacks with a lot of needles in them.


And therefore, it is much more challenging, I think, for local authorities to be able to uproot and uncover those who have, again, the violent aspirations.


[In other words, again by slyly unspoken implication — America's volume of Domestic Violent Extremists is even more dangerous than ISIS was — when it declared its Caliphate, and the United States had to send thousands of troops "over there" to obliterate their sorry asses.]


A lot of these militia groups cause great concern among those local authorities because they have the wherewithal.


They already have the weapons that, if they choose to use them, they can in fact carry out these deadly attacks.


[Notice Brennan's phrase, "these deadly attacks". Yeah John, domestically-spawned American terrorists are visibly blasting folk all over the place. Who knew?]


© 2021 Deadline White House, Fmr CIA Dir. Brennan calls the threat from domestic violent extremists ‘much more challenging’ than the threat from foreign terrorists, MSNBC (27 January 2021)



Let's put Brennan's power-grabbing distortions . . .


. . . into meaningful historical perspective.


Recall that the United States' effort against Al Qaeda and "other terrorists" led to interminable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


This US "war on terror" then vastly expanded from those locations into Libya, Syria, Yemen and major parts of Africa. And, in the process of doing that, has dismembered any meaningful stability in the Middle East, as well as — we can reasonably predict — Africa.


And now, John Owen Brennan is aiming this same US War Machine directly at Americans, whom he mislabels both as to intent and numbers.



The moral? — Do you think this is dangerous yet?


John Brennan's history is one of attempting to unseat American democracy in favor of the Deep State's totalitarian rule.


He and the Democratic Party's leadership have just spent four years concocting and pushing a pure lie — Russiagate — in order to weaken and unseat (democratically elected) former President Trump.


And now — Brennan, Deep State and the Democratic Party — are going after the voluminous numbers of ordinary Americans, who supported Trump — and who, presumably — own firearms under auspices of the freedom-protecting Second Amendment.


If you miss these points, you are neither aware nor thinking.


No one who opposes autocracy in America is safe anymore.


A propagandizing, pretended identify-sensitive Himmler-Goebbels-like gang has completely taken over American government.