Establishment propagandists at NPR and PBS — I add a comment to Richard Morchoe's

© 2019 Peter Free


08 February 2019



My wife laughs at me, when I say that — "I don't like those NPR voices"


National Public Radio and its associated Public Broadcasting System bug me just as badly, as both used to irritate American conservatives — meaning before Mainstream elites took over political programming at both.


Today, those two "public" broadcasting entities — partially sponsored by American taxpayers — use our money to propagandize for the Military Industrial Complex.


Of NPR's decades-long trend away from objectively applied reason, Richard Morchoe recently wrote that:



Last Saturday, February 2, 2019, on National Public Radio, Scott Simon [see here] spoke with the sympathetic feeling that has led him to win all the prizes that are mentioned in his official bio.


Scott noted that in the next Afghanistan all the gains women have seen could be erased.


Thus, as someone listens to Mr. Soulful, they almost immediately become a supporter of remaining in theater for the next millennium or so.


A friend once asked me if I listened to NPR.


I jokingly answered her,


"Of course I do. Every advanced totalitarian country has a ministry of information so that the inner party can tell the outer party what to believe. . . . The last thing they want anyone to do is think."


© 2019 Richard Morchoe, Static From the Deep State, (08 February 2019)



It is obvious that


The Taliban still tells women what to do in the roughly 70 percent of Afghanistan that they militarily influence today.


And our continued (17 year plus) American presence in that Islamic country merely encourages Islamists there and elsewhere to escalate anti-Western cultural efforts.


As Morchoe implies, it is about sixteen years past time to get real about what is actually achievable in geographies, where we are not wanted and cannot win.



The moral? — getting real goes against the American Military Industrial Establishment's pecuniary interests


The economy, and its governing elites, depend upon militarism. Meaning upon weapons-exporting expansion into places where there are, factually speaking, no valid existential national interests for us to be.


This is true, unless one confuses the personal interests of American fearmongers, and the corporations that own them, with those belonging to the American public as a whole.


Ergo, the elites' (intentionally positioned) strategic strangleholds on Lamestream-associated propaganda machines.


The resulting brainwashing has been so effective, that almost no one influentially opposes the epidemic of spreading US militarism.


This mind control phenomenon demonstrates what uninterrupted streams of lies can do. It does not matter whether propaganda's prey are:



Nazi-inflicted Germans


Stalinist-forced Russians


Little Red Book-reading Chinese


— or —


"shining city upon a hill" Americans.



We drink the kool-aid. We pay for the privilege. One way, now. Another, after.