The Empire of Hypocrisy (the United States) — dropped its pants in Cuba

© 2018 Peter Free


30 August 2018



"Our" weasels — doing their thing


The American Deep State self-righteously keeps complaining about election-infiltrating, evil Russians and their haltered puppet, US president Donald Trump.


But, naturally, given the advanced state of US dissembling, our own angels are similarly scurrying about:



The United States has repeatedly accused the Russian and Iranian governments of using social media to spread “disinformation” and foment chaos.


At the same time, however, the US government is doing exactly what it is accusing its enemies of: the US Office of Cuba Broadcasting is secretly creating fake social media accounts to inspire dissent and to spread right-wing pro-US, pro-capitalist propaganda in Cuba.


During the Cold War, the US government tried to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro more than 600 times. . . . For decades, the US has maintained an elaborate propaganda apparatus committed to toppling Cuba’s socialist government.


In its 2019 congressional budget justification report . . . the US government’s Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) disclosed that it “is establishing on island digital teams to create non-branded local Facebook accounts to disseminate information.”


The US government body noted that these “native pages increase the chances of appearing on Cuban Facebook users newsfeeds.”


And it is not just Facebook where the US government will be creating these accounts. “The same strategy will be replicated on other preferred social media networks,” the BBG added.


© 2018 Ben Norton, US Government Admits It’s Making Fake Social Media Accounts to Spread Propaganda in Cuba, Real News Network (27 August 2018) (excerpts)



We do this — of course! — because Cuba poses such a huge threat to American life and wellbeing.



The moral? — US government manufactures smarmy hypocrisy by the oodle load


Hypocrisy is a diversionary tactic. American government uses it while looking for and engaging in more ways to rob, rape and rend the planet's human rabble to the Oligarchy's benefit.


So, when American Government is finger-pointing, as yourself what it is trying to conceal and who profits from the camouflage. There's always greed involved. Of one kind or another.


In Cuba's case, the United States' "capitalism versus communism" camouflage was trotted out, when the country's economic elite fled Castro's attempt to "liberate" ordinary people from dictator Fulgencio Batista's rule.


The fleeing families, and (vicariously) the American corporations they were involved with — all of whom had arguably benefited from Batista's fascistic operation — are politically entrenched in Florida. Where they make it difficult for politicians to engage even rudimentary common sense, regarding the limited nature of America's genuinely vital interests.


American policy toward Cuba is (and has been) a fairly good representation of its plutocrat-dominated, imperial aspirations toward the rest of the world.


One could, therefore, easily argue that other nations should be meddling in the United States, just to defend themselves from anticipated US "ministrations" in their own lands.


"You mean, Pete, there's more than one legitimate perspective on this meddling stuff?"


I do.