Do Judge Brett Kavanaugh's appearance and behavior — signal a core-nasty person?

© 2018 Peter Free


05 September 2018



An initial premise


Kindness and compassion usually show in someone's demeanor.


Perhaps that's a quality not necessary in judges. Which probably well explains the reprehensible white supremacy and plutocracy-favoring characteristics of the American state.



Consider Supreme Court nominee — Judge Brett Kavanaugh


Here's a person who — frankly — looks like a caricature of a:


historically traditional,


wealthy elite-favoring,




de facto anti-Christ





He's also the guy who (evidently consciously) avoided shaking grieving father, Fred Guttenberg's hand.


See that video and a perfectly timed photograph (by Andrew Harnick of the Associated Press), here.


Kavanaugh's behavior in that instance so incensed former Republican (and still media-prominent) Joe Scarborough, that he went off on him and his supporters — for their "lack of humanity."



Those Kavanaugh traits, combined . . .


. . . probably told (even a metaphorical) Jesus enough to reject the nominee's supposedly admirable legal qualifications.



The moral? — Is Judge Kavanaugh a fine choice for the Court?


Or is he just another wretchedly mean-spirited, elitist-favoring, societally obtuse Adam Henry?