A comparison aptly highlights American government's BS — terrorism versus coronavirus

© 2020 Peter Free


15 February 2020



Remember how . . .


. . . we Americans are repeatedly told that Forever Wars are good — because we're fighting terrorists "over there" instead of "here"?





If it's not terrorism, we ignore that logic — no matter the potential danger.


In illustration, from today's CBS News:



The United States is planning to bring Americans home from a cruise ship that's been quarantined in Japan.


Outside of China, the Diamond Princess is the site of the biggest coronavirus outbreak with it's over 200 infections, including more than a dozen Americans, CBS News foreign correspondent Debora Patta reports.


The ship has been in the port city of Yokohama for well over a week now.


Those looking to take the charter flight to the U.S. on Sunday will undergo a health screening before boarding, and symptomatic passengers will not be allowed to board, the U.S. Embassy in Japan said.


Passengers will be taken to Travis Air Force Base in California and some will continue on to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.


© 2020 CBS News, U.S. to evacuate Americans stuck on quarantined cruise ship, CbsNews.com (15 February 2020)



Let's analyze




By now, most of you are aware that the Wuhan coronavirus (now called COVID-19) can be contagious before infected people exhibit symptoms of any kind.


This means that evacuating Americans from the highly infected cruise ship is exactly like going to the center of the city of Wuhan — and randomly lifting out non-symptomatic people for a journey to the United States.




With significant suspicion circulating that 2019 is more deadly than influenza and apparently similarly infectious — transplanting all those folks "to here" is similar to bringing biological agent-carrying, inadvertent "terrorists" to the Homeland.




Recall that (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) this current flu season has killed an estimated 14,000 to 36,000 people in the United States.


During the same period, you can count terrorist-caused deaths in the US on one hand.



So, where's the "over there" safety logic in this coronavirus instance?





The moral? — American government propagandizes in whichever direction is convenient to its usually concealed purposes


If Government really believed its "over there" terror reasoning — we would not be ferrying almost certainly infected, potentially pandemic-increasing citizens — back to the United States.


This is not an attack on the American evacuation effort.


It is merely an uncovering of the duplicitous and contradictory bullshit that we are fed (and mostly swallow) every day.