Bring coal back — says Europe — in its chain of stupidity-based self-destruction
© 2022 Peter Free
07 July 2022
Armored stupidity has an air of societal inevitability
By way of current example, recall that NATO essentially started the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War on purpose.
Then, it imposed anti-Russia economic sanctions which, easily foreseeably, boomeranged to harm Western societies more than the Russian one.
And now — in immediate consequence of those two obvious blunders of self-destruction — Europe is reversing its supposedly wholesome Green Trend:
As Russia threatens to limit gas supplies this winter, certain European countries are scrambling to ensure their energy needs are met during the coldest time of the year.
In turn, this means backtracking on their climate pledges in favour of firing up coal power plants.
Germany and Austria announced an emergency restart of coal power stations.
[T]he Netherlands had followed suit, lifting all restrictions on power stations that use the fossil fuel. Previously, they were limited to just over a third of the country’s power output.
Other EU countries, including Italy, are expected to start up their old coal-fueled power stations too as the energy crisis worsens.
This supposedly temporary increase in coal use has raised concerns about progress on the EU’s shift to less polluting power alternatives, as it is widely regarded to be the dirtiest fossil fuel.
© 2022 Rosie Frost, All the European countries returning to ‘dirty’ coal as Russia threatens to turn off the gas tap, Euro News (24 June 2022)
Not to be outdone, ever vigilant Poland sprang into this stimulating 'warming' fray:
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the EU should temporarily return to the use of traditional energy sources, in particular coal, and abandon green energy amid the energy crisis.
Poland also announced its intention to continue developing coal energy , despite the trends observed in the European Union.
© 2022 RT, Putin: The West, noisy about the environment, is again switching to coal generation, (07 July 2022)
In short
This tide of (fragrantly burgeoning) coal smoke is occurring explicitly so as to substitute for the decline in imported Russian gas and oil that Western Europe, itself, had banned from entering the European Union's Holy Sphere of Imbecility.
The moral? — Underestimating self-righteous vacuity's ability to do . . .
. . . easily forecastable, self-evident societal harm is (apparently) impossible.
Nevertheless, Western leadership — in blanket fashion — continues to ignore this most basic tenet of societal guidance.
And in the West, we are proudly required to be Dumb as Shit, whenever conceivably possible.
Our cultures might as well be being run by specifically bred clans of intentionally retarded monkeys.