Bring Stalinesque purges back?

© 2019 Peter Free


19 December 2019



Did you notice this news?



In a strong bipartisan vote, the House passed a compromise defense policy bill that authorizes a new Space Force and $738 billion for the Pentagon.


The vote was 377-48.


© 2019 Joe Gould, House passes ‘progressive’ defense bill, 377-48, Defense News (11 December 2019)



Not only do we feed the Military Pig of Doom more slop


We give him yet another warmaking service to fuel with looted taxpayer money.



Happy timing?


Two days earlier, the Washington Post published part of its expose demonstrating how the US military has:



perennially been lying


to everyone


about the justifications for


and progress of


its perpetual wars.



Being an organization headed by continuously lying "sacks of shit" is grandiosely rewarded by the American legislature.



We could learn from Stalin


Recall his purges.


Including of the Soviet military.



The moral? — Is it time to cart uniformed parasites (of highest rank) into the sunset?


Accomplishing such a "cleansing" would require a similar purge of equally parasitic federal government leadership.


Perhaps we could start with 377 House members, who eagerly voted to further fuel the Murdering Lie Machine.


Moral clean-up would also require a purging sweep of the Corporatist Complex that regularly feeds on other people's blood.


In short, when dealing with the tyrannically inclined, one has to adopt a similar mindset.


Chairman Mao could tell us about this.


Shall we roll the guillotines?


Or will economically proportioned gulags be enough?


Whom shall we choose to be Archangels of Righteousness?


It is morally complicated in human-monkey-tree fog.